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ScottxPeterxHankxAlex (apocalypse versions of the characters)

5:30 am

Scott's pov-
I awoke in a tangled mess of limbs and tried to squirm out to get to the bathroom but only got hugged tighter to whoever was closest to me.
Eventually I managed to escape the grasp of my boyfriends and rushed to the bathroom when a wave of nausea hit me. I hunched over the toilet while my stomach got rid of all of its contents. Once it ceased I sat back with tears in my eyes trying to catch my breath. I heard the doorknob turn and then Peter was at my side.
"Scott are you okay? I heard you getting sick." His brow creased with worry.
I smiled weakly and leaned my head on his shoulder.
"I'm okay just a stomach bug."
He nodded and picked me up carrying me to the bed, and placing me in between Hank and Alex gently, then settled himself next to Hank.
"Is everything okay?" Alex asked as he rubbed circles into my stomach.
I nodded and curled into him for comfort. He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me as we all settled back into bed.
~A few hours later~
Alex and I were in the kitchen making breakfast when I was once again hit by a wave of nausea and immediately rushed to the trash with Alex not far behind. He rubbed my back trying to provide comfort not knowing what else to do. I leaned against the counter when I finished trying to hold back tears from the discomfort.
Alex opened his arms and I hugged him tightly before he picked me up and laid me on the couch.
"You're staying here today and Hank, Peter and I will take care of you."
I nodded leaning my head back and closing my eyes. He leaned down and kissed my cheek before heading back to the kitchen to finish breakfast.
A few minutes later I felt a dip in the couch near my feet and cracked my eyes open to see Hank's eyes filled with worry.
"I'm not dying you know." I say trying to lighten the mood.
"I know but you hardly ever get sick I'm just worried because I love and care about you."
I smile and slowly move so that my head is in his lap. He runs his fingers through my hair with one hand while the other rests just above my heart.
"I love you." I whisper to him while smiling softly.
"I love you too."
-a few days later-
It's been a few days and every morning I've been nauseous and can't keep anything down. It's strange though because it only happens in the morning. So today Alex and Hank are insisting that I go get checked out because they're worried. My appointment is at 11 and it's currently 10:23. Peter agreed to drive me because both Alex and Hank had to work with the professor today. I sighed as I climbed into the car and hoped that whatever I had was going to go away soon.
We arrived and were sitting in the waiting room when Peter spoke up.
"Scott, I looked up the symptoms that you've been having and there's one thing that kept popping up. I don't want to tell you what it is and freak you out but if that's what it is just know that I will always love you and support you." I nodded and gently kissed him before hugging him tightly.
"Mr. Summers."
I stood up and left the waiting room with the doctor.
"So Scott what seems to be the problem."
"Well for the past few days I've been getting sick in the morning, getting tired easily, and my lower back hurts."
He nodded looking confused.
"Okay we're going to run a few tests then we will see what we can do."
They ran several tests and about half and hour later the doctor came back wheeling in a machine with a small screen.
"Okay Scott I'm going to have you lie back and pull your shirt up."
I did and he spread cold gel on my stomach before using a device attached to the machine. He stopped suddenly and turned to me.
"Okay this may come as a shock to you but that." He pointed to a bean shaped figure on the screen.
"That's your child." My eyes widened.
"M-my w-what?!"
"Your child, it seems you're part of the five percent of males that are able to carry a child."
I was at a loss for words. This must be what Peter was talking about.
"Would you like a copy of the ultrasound?"
I nodded slowly trying to process what happened.
"Here you go, and you will need to come in every month for a checkup just to be sure the baby is developing properly. You're next appointment will be on the 23rd of next month."
Again I nodded and made my way back to the waiting room.
Peter looked up from his phone and rushed to me.
"Are you okay you like you saw a ghost."
"P-Peter I-I'm.."
"Pregnant?" He finished.
I nodded. He smiled brightly.
"Oh my god Scott that's amazing we're going to be parents!"
"W-what are Alex and Hank g-going to t-think of m-me. I'm a freak.."
He put his hand on my cheek and looked me in the eyes.
"Scott you are not a freak don't you see we get to have a family together a real family and you're giving that to us. If they don't accept it who cares you have me and that is not going to change. I love you and I will love this child just as much even if it isn't mine." Tears filled my eyes as I wrapped my arms around him thanking him for supporting me. We made our way to the car and drove home in silence. The closer we got to the house the more nervous I became. My palms were sweating and I really didn't want to face Alex and Hank. Peter noticed my discomfort and took my hand in his.
"Don't stress it Scott just remember what I said okay?"
I nodded slowly. We got out of the car and walked inside immediately being greeted by our other two lovers.
"Scott is everything okay?"
"What's going on?"
"Guys give him a minute he's still trying to process." Peter said protectively as he wrapped an arm around me and guided me to the couch.
"Scott? A-are you d-dying?" Alex asked shakily.
I shook my head. He and Hank looked puzzled.
"Please tell us what's wrong we love you and want to know if something's wrong."
Hank grabbed my right hand and Alex sat on the floor in front of me with one hand on my knee.
"You can tell them Scott I'm right here." Peter whispered gently. I nod.
"T-the d-doctor said t-t-that w-w-what I have w-will go a-away in a l-l-little less t-than n-nine months." I looked at my lap avoiding eye contact.
Hank gasped. I glanced over to see his eyes wide and hand over his mouth. Alex looked confused and Peter's face held a knowing smirk.
"Y-you, y-you're.....I-I I-I'm..." Hank tried to find the words but couldn't, as for Alex he was still not getting the memo.
Hank put his hand to my stomach looking to me for confirmation. I nod slightly. He gathers me into his arms and begins to sob. He kisses my cheek and looks to Alex.
"We're gonna be parents."
It's silent I look to Alex. His face is unreadable. Peter stops smiling and I begin to shake.
"What." Is all he says.
"I said..."
"I know what you said Hank," the reply was cold and harsh. I knew he was angry he never called him Hank it was always love or darling...never Hank.
He looked to me.
"How? Why none of us are even out and you just think this is good news?! What will this do to our reputations to our friendships? To our jobs?!"
I was in shock, he was blaming me. Peter was furious.
"How dare you blame him! First off he is your brother! Secondly who cares about your goddamn reputation you have us! Or are we not good enough for you? Look at him."
He kept his eyes down.
"I SAID LOOK AT HIM! He's scared and worried and he needs us. He needs people who love him and support him and if you can't be that then leave." He turned and came to me and Hank wrapping his arms around us the best he could.
I looked to Alex with tears in my eyes silently pleading him to stay. But he turned on his heel and left. Left...the only family I had left. I began to shake uncontrollably. I sobbed I couldn't believe he'd actually left. We'd always been there for each other through thick and thin I could always count on him and now when I needed him more than ever he left...
The next few months were hard. Hank, Peter and I came out and most accepted us. Those who didn't well let's just say the professor handled it. Jean was excited and volunteered herself and Raven to do the shopping.
We didn't see much of Alex and I missed him constantly. It was clear that he wanted no part of this and I accepted it even though it hurt to do so.
Today was the day we would find out the gender and biological father. I really hoped it wasn't Alex because it would make things easier but I would love he or she no matter whose they were. Hank and Peter have done everything to try to keep my mind occupied but no matter how much I loved them both I just wanted my brother back but I refused to let it be by the professors command.
We made it to the appointment on time and I went back by myself so I would have time to take in the news and prepare my self to tell them.
"Alright Scott are you ready?"
I nodded solemnly. He did the regular set-up and procedure until he could tell the gender.
"Well it looks like you're having a healthy....baby boy!" He smiled lightly.
He then grabbed the manila envelope on the counter behind him and handed it to me. I took a deep breath and pulled out the paper. My heart was beating rapidly. The paper on top said one word.

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