The Value of Rarity

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The Value of Rarity

Sonic is pinned down. Not by me, unfortunately, but that doesn't matter right now. I already had his slender form trembling beneath me a few nights ago, and even if I already want to repeat the experience again, I can wait for a couple more hours.

The hedgehog is currently fighting with Knuckles the Echidna, master of Angel Island, but I'm content to watch. It's not even a serious battle, so there's no need to intervene...and a content smirk crosses my muzzle at the current sight.

Knuckles is looming over a squirming Sonic, holding him down against the grass of the clearing, and the younger hedgehog is powerless against his strength.

"Give up, Sonic," the scarlet creature smirks wickedly, "You've lost."

"Forget it, Knucklehead!" Sonic shoots back and his hips buck again, trying to throw the Guardian off-balance. He nearly succeeds, only to be subdued once more by the echidna, more violently now and the blue one jerks in discomfort as Knuckles takes both of his wrists in one hand and closes the other around Sonic's throat.

Some confusing dialogue takes place. Why the Guardian wants the hedgehog to admit that Knuckles is his uncle, I don't know - these two can't possibly be related, can they?

"I'm gonna strangle you until you lose consciousness if I have to, dammit - admit that you've lost already!"

Sonic merely gives him a cocky, defiant grin and I can feel the edges of my mouth twitch as if in answer, where I stand unseen in the shadows, observing them.

Because Sonic never gives up.

I still remember two weeks ago - the Doctor's latest world domination attempt, and we of course had to prevent it. And it had looked bad.

I was out for the count, barely able to maintain consciousness with more than one bullet hole in my body. Needless to say, Sonic was enraged.

I had felt mildly flattered at that.

But there we were, Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and me, fighting against this huge contraption of the Egg Whatever (Robotnik must be running out of names). Nearly all of us were injured, even that blue speed demon was bleeding and for once it seemed as if the human had won.

But if you think that, you don't know Sonic.

At one point the Doctor had him at gun point. Told him to kneel down and surrender and maybe his life would be spared, so he could be displayed as a circus attraction, a caged pet for entertainment.

It was raining heavily. A real thunderstorm was going on at the bridge where we had fought, all of us were drenched and Sonic was panting badly, barely able to stand. Tails had one of his appendages broken, while Knuckles was fully knocked out from when he had protected the blue hedgehog against a blast a while back. And now Robotnik had emerged from his Eggmobile cockpit, apparently intending to finish his nemesis off at point-blank range for ultimate satisfaction.

"Submit, hedgehog. You don't stand a chance this time."

Bleak situation, right?

And Sonic had fallen to his knees.

Pity for Robotnik that he had changed that at the last minute to a sprinter's position.

Sonic had blasted off at a speed that even I found impressive. The Doctor barely had time to turn around before the blue hedgehog had already made his way into the abandoned cockpit, leveling the lasers of the Egg Whatever at his own creator.

"Wh-what?" the human had stuttered at the smirking hero, his pistol dropping to his side as he was severely out-gunned.

"Big mistake you made there, Doctor..." I managed to wheeze from the ground. His head whipped round, probably surprised that I was still alive, and I did my best to force my lips into a smirk. "The faker never surrenders. You should know that by now."

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