The Meeting| Part 1

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"It's half past 4 Sherlock, you're late" Mycroft crudely remarked of his younger brother's growing sloppiness.

"Perhaps it is your car that made me late, driving manically through London" Sherlock retorted brushing rain off his coat and then proceeding to sit across from the tea sipping Mycroft.

"I didn't send a car. I asked you politely for your presence in choosing a new legal advisor for your.....appearances" He said observing his brother's shivering tendencies.

"Are you fit for interviews today brother of mine? "

" As fit as you ever will be" Sherlock in return observed Mycroft's slight weight gain.

"You're not going to question the car?"

"No, that would waste time, just get on with it" Sherlock waved at his brother to begin what will promise to be a tedious few hours.

Mycroft picked up the receiver on his intercom and mumbled a few words that Sherlock didn't hear, mainly out of pure disinterest. The wind was more prominant as the two waited for their first interviewee. It whistled in the long room with elongated windows and the curtains wrapped themselves around each other as the wind seeped through the cracks.

"You should get that fixed"


"The windows, you should get them fixed. It doesn't match the rest of the room. Immaculately clean furniture, repaired glass table, polished marble fire place without some much as a trace of ash and the steam cleaned rug. People might think you have a fondness for the windows"

" People, what people?"

There was a loud knock at the tall wooden door.

" Oh I don't know.....people"

"Enter" Mycroft said sternly

After two and a half hours of dimwitted, boring banker types, Sherlock was getting fidgety. They had three more people to see. Mycroft, sick of having to treat him like a child who required a reward system was also ready to call it a day.

"Enter" Mycroft sighed holding the bridge of his nose.

"erm Hello Mr Holmes, my name is..."

Sherlock raised his hand and put a finger to his lips. Mycroft rolled his eyes and gestured the young lady to hand him her resume. He squinted at her small typing and shook his head periodically.

"Alright Miss Brahms it doesn't say anything her that you ever worked as a lawyer or legal advisor, are you deliberately trying to waste my time?"

"No, I very keen" Miss Brahms smiled

Sherlock at this point removed his finger and sat upright facing the girl with what seemed like vague attention.

"Well I'm sorry, but we have no need actress" Mycroft let the paper fall from his hands in disgust

"I promise you Mr Holmes I am more than that. I studied law in University..."

"Before dropping out"


"You dropped out after your second year to pursue your acting dream as you had just moved out of your parents into a flat with a friend" Sherlock glanced up and down at the girl "Or supportive lover" He added

"You must be Sherlock Holmes. I had no idea this was for you" Miss Brahms stated " In that case yes I dropped out, but I learnt enough to get me out of trouble, I tutored for a few months under a psychiatrist while I was working on a role for a play and I've memorised most of our legal system" She turned to face Sherlock "Because you never know when it might come in handy"

"But no experience whatsoever. Thank you so much for coming in to see us Miss....Brahms but I can assure you my brother and I will have no need for your seriv...."

"If hypothetically a man was shot through the head by his own hand but found enough evidence to prove that you were somewhat involved with his apparent suicide what would be the most minimal damage done to you?" Sherlock quizzed, his hand pursed together on his lips.

" would try to prove his innocence. suicide can be aided, however in this case you would have to ask why he would do that"

"The planted evidence?"

"You never said it was planted Mr Holmes"

The corners of Sherlock's mouth curled into smile. He then abruptly stood up showing Miss Brahms to the door.

"We will let you know" Sherlock said then opened and shut the door just quickly enough for her to slip out without getting a "thank you for your time" in.

"Sherlock you can't be serious, she is an actress for Christ sake, I thought the plan was to get someone at least somewhat more knowledgeable about the British legal system than us!" Mycroft huffed himself off his chair and towards his brother.

"Oh please Mycroft give me some credit. I know more about it than you do. Plus this could be interesting..." Sherlock started for the door but Mycroft reached for his arm.

"Sherlock, this is not a game. I will give you until tomorrow morning to come to your senses and I hope you will not make another mistake" Mycroft let go off Sherlock's arm and a prolonged silence enhanced the wind whistling once again.

"You really should get that window fixed" Sherlock said and he whisked his way out the door.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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