Hollow in my soul

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I never want somebody as much as i needed you ,all my soul feels pâro since it doesn't matter what i do or where i'm going to be ..nothing persist and no one could attend to say goodbye to me ,i'm going to see all my whole flashback ,madness, sorrow and happiness too .Also , you dear the last photo i'v been captured was shiny eyes and pumple , kissable lips of you but i know right now ...my choice to be in my life goes a big mistake and wrong decision because i expect more from you .

I do believe for three years that you were my angel ,my man , my hero who came to me when pouring rain falls faster ,and clouds came up with thunder ...i can say to you from my notebook even though you will never read that or meet you again since,

who Iam to dream a lot

who Iam to dwell with you in my imagination

who Iam to fall in love with

Who Iam to hear a sound of my heart that beating for you every second ,in the night till i get sleep with my hollow in my body where my soul corner be.

I'v tried to draw a picture of pious man from the pure love that inside me but i fail to admit you are devil getting off my innocence , my soft teenager ...you are just rapist me ,you hit me till i get bruises in my soul ,you 'v tried to tranish every little whiteness ,purity that I own .However, you fool me through your smirked face , numbing me ,trapping me to be fragile then falling between your arms.

I booed for many times to let me go but each time my waist was your favourite begining to let me hazy for you !

Afetr all, you said " I do never loved you , you were just my cave "! .

* written by Seloua Bird

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