two years later: 2015

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Greetings fellow earth creatures. I'm the narrator/author🙋 picture above is Patrick

No soul will be as missed as this one.

That's all that is left of my other sister.
'She's gone'
And all that's left is a stone.
I know that I should've moved on already after two years, but I can't stop thinking about what could've been and what I should've done. 'whatever'. I think as I turn and begin to leave the cemetery.
'I gotta go, don't wanna be late to school on the first day of 9th grade'
I get to the sidewalk and hail a cab. I hand the driver the money and tell him where to go, then pull out my phone and plug in my ear buds. I then turn my music up just enough to drown out the rest of the world. Castle of Glass by Linkin Park comes on and I find myself thinking of my sister again.
'How am I supposed to live on when I feel so empty without you Diana? It's not fair' I think as I stare out the window.
When the car finally stops I unbuckle and mutter a thank you to the driver before getting out. As the cab  pulls away I take the paper that has my locker number, combo, and schedule and try to navigate my way through the cramped halls without being noticed. When I finally get to my locker I pause my music and get ready for homeroom. I've just closed my locker when I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around and see a boy about 5'4 with messy bleach blonde  hair, greenish-blue eyes, and glasses.
"What?" I ask confused.
No one really talks to me anymore except for Molly, Amy, and Jess since Diana died. I guess they're afraid that they'll say some thing wrong and I'll just kill'em, I wouldn't though.
"Um... I'm kinda new here so it's really hard to find anything, and uh...I was wondering  if you could help me find my homeroom?" The boy asks.
"Sure!" I say, suddenly happy for the first time in years.
"Do you have you have your schedule?"
"Uh yea, here." He says handing me the paper.
"Um... Let's see, oh! Ms. Scott, that's my homeroom!" I grin. "Here, I'll show you. Wait! What's your name?"
"My name's Patrick"
"Well Patrick, my name is Danny. Now follow me!"

(A/N) hello 😊. Yes, Patrick is Patrick Stump, because he's awesome. Also I know that Chester is no longer with us, so don't comment about it, though comments are welcomed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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