Shattered soul- Prologue

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Hey you guys all out there, ow all of you are ?? I  hopes everyone is doing awesome and having a good new

year.  Anyways as you all can see it's my first writing work out here I just hopes it's alright. So please bother to

drop by and give your precious time to read it. And please do forgive me in advance for any grammatical error

which would be in it and since I'm not any published author or shit , there's going to be  mistakes and errors in it

for sure.


I ran hard, my mind being invaded by million of thoughts but I don't wanted to hear anyone

of them. All which was mattered to me was that I wanted to reach there as fast as I can. My

feet thudded against the hard pavement and few thorns pierced my already dead skin of

my feet. My heart was pounding hard against my rib cage and my lungs were devoid of

oxygen. If they can speak they would have been begging for mercy from me. But being in

my condition I'm the one begging them to continue taking whatever amount of oxygen i was

providing them. 

I was so lost in my thoughts or rather my self blabber that I didn't realized when I turned

around the corner, mind you my feet and brain is working in complete synchronization

without inviting my eyes to partake in the community work they were doing, that I whacked

a person with my head. I falls on the ground on top of him or her and without looking at the

laying person and muttered a quick “sorry” and started to run again after gathering myself.

Tears streams my cheeks and blurred my vision. They were not here because of my little

collision instead it holds a greater pain.


I heard the person yelling at me, with whom i just had collided. But again I don't give a fuck

about what he had to say to me. It seems like I'm running from millions of years but the

distance to the place is not decreasing. It's like someone is continuously stretching the path

like an elastic band and time also had slowed down, slowing my speed along with it.

After what seems like eternity I reached the end of the street and saw the horror in front of

me. What people had told me I knew they were telling me the truth but a single part of me

was hoping that it was just a joke, some stupid prank by my brother but now seeing the

small house at the end of the street, on flames squeezed out every hope out of me. I put

my last drop of energy in the sprint and jumped over the little wooden fence and landed on

the dried grass which pricks my skin. Than all my energy drains out of me and I slowly

approached it. Air was full with the smell of burning wood and HUMAN FLESH !!!!! I almost

threw up there but I haven't had anything in my stomach to put it out. My hands pushed

aside the standing people, some of them were watching the show while some of them were

helping in extinguishing the fire. I watched helplessly as they tried to put a stop to the

dancing flames. I would have ran into the house and incinerated along with it but few strong

hands were holding me tight, maybe they had sensed my suicidal thoughts. After what 

seems like eternity, fire stopped it's hunger game with my house. Three bodies were carried out in white sheets. The place where house

was few hours ago, now stood ruins of a ruined family. I fall to my knees splintered glass pierced my knees. I choked back a sob

because I was stronger than that. I had lost my parents when I was small, if I can handle that at that sensitive age than I can do the

same. But all my hopes of being strong get blows when my eyes landed on one of the corpse, which was completely burnt, with no

whatsoever hint of flesh on it, when they dropped it. Where eyes should have been were two empty hollow sockets. They defines my

now life and body completely, both of them were hollow now. I tried to look away from it but my eyes were transfixed on it and this time I

threw up there even when my damned stomach was empty. 

I didn't know how long I kept on sitting there, with my bleeding knee. Someone had put a blanket over me but no one had asked how I'm

not that I cares if they asked or not, I'm just saying this because that's how our world works. People cares for others but they doesn't or

rather should I say can't show it. Since the plague when three-fourth of the world was destroyed, we had accumulated here, the only

remaining part of the world. Other than here, everything is submerge in water. So no one cares for other, they are too busy in making

their own life that they can't afford to handle others.

I tries to get up but falls flat on my butts and wine in pain. A thin layer of blood had formed on my leg, near the knee region. I puts my

hand on the nearby lamppost and stood up, and pain radiates through my body as I put my body weight on my legs. I shifts weight and

started to wobble towards the forest which stretches behind the ruined house. Flashes of past started to play in my mind in which I'm with

my brother, playing, fighting, teasing. 

Than out of nowhere a recent memory struck me, in which I was with his two year old son, my niece and I howls in cry like I'm a werewolf, which I'm

telling you is not. I remembers how he had called me by my name first time and how I had squealed and ran in the whole house in happiness, but now

all is lost. The most three dear person of my life, my brother Erik, his wife Esmeral and my niece Sam, all were gone, leaving me all by myself in this

world. Now I'm nothing more than a shattered glass which was still in my knee, just like that my soul is shattered too, into million pieces.

It's all I have been able to write so far, I'll put up more if I'll get enough likes and encouragement from you all. I

honestly wishes that you all liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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