Team Selection

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Jack: it was the day of team sorting (well it's actually team selection but I like sorting better) it was around year 12 and team sorting is kinda like graduation, basically they put u in some superhero situations (like saving people, fighting a criminal ect.) and you do some tests and quizzes so the Federal Superhero Department can all assign the students together so they can form a group (though some go solo) they also give us our team name and best of all they give us our offical code names, I mean I would rather name myself but I'm still really excited. After all the tests, quizzes and simulations all the students are to sit in the school hall for the selection ceremony. I hurried to get a spot with my friends and I luckily get a spot with my friend Shepo (if only her abilities were sheep based) "you nervous" I say to Shepo,
"A little yeah but I'm pretty excited I mean I can't wait to get out there and be an actual superhero ya know" I laugh a little and smile "haha yeah that makes me feel a little bit better, I just hope i'am with you guys" all of a sudden the stage begins to light up and heroic trumpets begin to play as Mr Shuttleworth flies down to the stage, Mr Shuttleworth was ur classic generic Superman, he could fly, had super strength and had x-ray vision, he's a retired superhero who used to be in a very well known super group but is now a principal for the gifted. He goes on to talk about our year and the schools history and blah blah blah. And then he starts to announce team names and gets students to come up one by one. after the first two teams are announced they announced the 3rd team "and the next team name is" dramatic pause for effect I guess " The C-Men?" There is a little bit of a giggle around the hall, even some of the teachers laugh a little "QUIET!" Everyone goes silent as he announces the members and leader "God I feel so bad for anyone who's on that team" I whisper to Shepo.
"Amelia Shepherdson a.k.a Assorted Staitonary is team leader for The C-Men" Shepos face is a mix of amazement as she's a team leader and shock since she's got a shitty team name "congrats" I say to Shepo but she doesn't reply back nor does she look back. "Now for the team members, first off we have Jack Elliott McIntyre a.k.a Juicey Man" Fuck. How fucking ironic I'm in the team name that I laughed at. I stand up and slowly walk up to the stage and except my certificate of heroism and shake Mr Shuttleworth hand awkwardly as I take a photo with him. He keeps announcing the other members and to my surprise me and all my friends are in a group together. Me Shuttleworth finishes announcing It's the members so Me,Shepo,Becca,Tom,Claire,Lucy,Tara,Waffle and Jake we all had to take our first group photo together, it was fun but I think we were all thinking "Shit we have the stupidest team name in the fucking universe" back then I hoped that we could be more then just a team with a weirdly sexual name. Man was I wrong.

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