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Loki's note: so sorry i couldn't answer back i got my laptop taken away by my annoying brother Thor and the man in iron anyway here you go

Heres the question from: breannapiersoni

have to admit i did laugh at that last joke. between you and me i really do not like captain america ,he seems to serious and has no sense of humor. my question is : what is your opinnion on 1/2 demons ? are against them or would you judge one before getting to know one? most people think just because someone is a 1/2 demon it means that they are either evil,violent, or uncapable of pure emotions ir even good ones. what do you think on this

Well breanna i would have to say they are unwanted by most like me so i say let them be them even if that mean killing every puny earthling. And i think some do have a heart but let them destroy!!!!!!

Mr_meow asked : How are you not dead!?!!! Explain to me how you do not die when you get stabbed in the gut by a Cursed person! I want your secrets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well im not dead because i used my illusions to and trickery to save myself and shields also work but mostly illusions


Hey Thor here guess what i found in lokis diary

It is funny he is so jealous of the handsome guy named tom hiddlestone

Loki sa whim at the market one day and was like so mad because he wishes his hair wasnt so dark

He such a girl

Oops lokis back gtg

"Thorrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! !!"

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