I'll Try

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It was a quiet day of her packing boxes to be sent to BTS' dorm. She thought for a while about where she would sleep, put her things, and go to school. She finally packed the last of her things and planned on sending them out in the morning.

When she arrived to her AP World History room, she hesitated to go in. Her teach had already started a new lesson, so she just waited in the hallway for the bell to ring to go to gym. When her friend Eliza came out they started on their way to gym, in silence.

Eliza was a pretty girl. She had beautiful, silky light brown hair. Her eyes were full and a hazel color with a light blue tint to her iris. Her lips were full. She was Caucasian, but had a nice tan to her. 

When we reached the locker room Destiny couldn't stay in the silence anymore, "So, I hear your dating someone, that's nice."

"Yea," Eliza sounded drained.

"So, I have news to tell you and Kyle. It's aw-"

"Yea," Eliza interrupted Destiny. "I hear you're moving out of your house."

"Oh, is that so?" As Eliza nodded, Destiny began to fell deflated. She had wanted to be the one to tell them. "How did you find out?"

"Your mom posted somethin' about it on Facebook." Destiny could of swore that Eliza grinned a little, but wasn't for sure. They were on their way to the gymnasium until her eye got covered by Eliza's hands.

She didn't put up with a fight because she trusted Eliza. "Where are we going."

"No where," a husky deep voice spoke. Destiny began to panic. She didn't recognize the voice and began to grab the voices hands. When she grabbed them the voice clicked his tongue and spoke again, "Don't you dare."

"Fine." She took a breath and relaxed. She knew who it was.

After a couple of minutes they reach their destination. "SUPRISE," was yelled as his hands moved from her face.

"Wow this is beautiful," The cafeteria was filled with all of her friends. There was banners hanging up with lights next to it. Illuminating the sentences saying 'congratulations', 'Have fun', or 'Don't forget us'.

Without turning around she spoke, "So being a club leader, or what ever, you can do this sorta thing, hmm. Impressive Kyle."

"Wow impressive it truly is your specialty." Kyle said nonchalantly.

"What is?" She asked, as she turned around.

"People. Of course."

"I think you misread me sir but my specialty is reading people not just 'people.'"

"Oh. Of course be difficult." he responded.

As she hugged him she whispered "Thank you, so much for this."

He smiled as she pulled back. Taylor tapped on her shoulder "Annyeonghaseyo chingu eotteohge jinaeni?"

She looked for a moment and responded as serious as she could, "the only thing I got out of that sentence was 'hello friend'."

"I said 'hello friend how are you?'," no realization went a crossed Destiny's face. "really?"

She couldn't hold it in any more and started to laugh "of course I knew what you said you've only ever asked that question since the 9th grade."

"haha very funny, but some one is here to see you and is heading to Korea with you when you leave."


Kyle leaned in real close to listen to, "Kim...Ho..... Seok." she finally said it. 

"You do know his surname is Jung right?"

"oh" she giggled and rubbed her head.

 "Where is he?" She said more to her self. She began to scan looking for him. Then found him standing by the doors. He looked handsome, from where she was standing. He wore a white T with black jeans, she was surprised with it being so casual. "I'll be back, ight?"


As she walked away all Kyle could think of was the way she looked today. Her eyes being the perfect size for her big light brown eyes. Her lips being medium sized, hair freshly straightened to hide the curls , her hair always when down parted on the left side so you could see her blonde highlights. Her complexion was a very light brown. Her style is what drew it all together.

Don't leave me here alone without you.


"Is it ok to talk in enrish?" She asked sarcastically with a cold expression.

"Oh ok" Hoseoks voice sounded so handsome in person and was full of a happy tone with an accent.

"So my flight officially leave in 6 hours." She tried to build up a conversation but people kept coming up to her saying their good byes, cause it was time for lunch. "Are you hungry," without waiting for a response she took his wrist and dragged him to her car. "Let's go." she said coldly.


All Destiny could think abought was what she promised Namjoon."1st you have to be cold to everyone. 2nd you have to cook and clean the house. 3rd you have to fulfil the wish thing. 4th you have to become vice manager so if someone ask we have a cover up." He's so considerate.

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