how keefe got here

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Keefe Scencen is an elf from the elvin world he normally lives with his mom dad and pet unicorn. He went on a light leap one day to pick up his friend Sophie who he had a crush on. he went to the human world where he got stuck there because he lost his crystal and he couldn't call anyone. 

'ugh, what am i gonna do??!' keefe thought to him self.

"o mi gosh is that super popstar keefe Lalucky?" screamed a group of girls nearby him

omg it is said another one!

sophie had warned him to stay away from big crowds because she told him there was a twin look alike of him in the human world, of course he knew he was more handsome but he was still afraid.

the girls ran over to him and started taking pics and asking for autograph. he felt really overwealmed and started saying okay okay i know im handsome and all but you all gotta calm down please!

he started running until he hit a sharp corner and died because the author didnt want to continue the story.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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