Oblivious Hand Holding

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"Beth, wake up. We need help." Sherlock threw Beth's bedroom door open making it slam against the wall. The loud bang the door made against the wall caused Beth to lunge up in her bed.

"Christ, Sherlock. A little gentler next time, yeah?" Beth swung her legs over the bed and the restriction from her jeans made her realize she must have fallen asleep with her clothes on.

"What time is it?" Beth asked coming out of her room, rubbing her eyes the way a tired child would.

"I don't know, probably around one in the morning." John answered, he was equally as tired as Beth.

"The time doesn't matter." Sherlock interrupted, "Beth the numbers are in pairs and it matches a certain book. First number is the page, second number is the word on that page. Pick a crate and start digging."

"Why don't you just look in books that we you know everyone is going to own?" Beth suggested after hours of searching through books. Her shift at Barts was in thirty minutes and she felt too tired to physically or mentally function properly.

Sherlock looks straight towards her at her suggestion, "And what books did you have in mind?"

"The Dictionary or The Bible?" Sherlock held his stare on her for a few seconds then smoothly twists on the spot to their own book case pulling out The Bible and Oxford English Dictionary. He opened both books and must not have had any luck because he slammed them down and leaned his head in his hands, running his fingers through his hair which ruffled the curls.

"I need to get some air. We're going out tonight." Sherlock said to both Beth and John who was sent home from work for falling asleep on the job, something Beth thought she was going to do also.

"Actually, I've, er, got a date." John smiled smugly.

"A date?" Beth questioned, "You've got a date?"

"Yes, it's where two people who like each other go out and have fun."

"That's what I was suggesting." Sherlock blinked.

"No it wasn't ... at least I hope not. You can't have a date with three people, unless it's a double date then it's slightly more acceptable."

"Where are you taking her?" Sherlock rolled his eyes.


"Oh, dull, boring, predictable." Sherlock fished out a piece of paper and hands it to John, "Why don't you try this? In London for one night only."

"Thanks, but I don't come to you for dating advice." John handed Sherlock the piece of paper with a fake smile and then left the room.

"Beth, will you go on a date with me?" Sherlock twisted his head to look down to Beth who was sat in Johns arm chair.

"Sorry, Sherlock, I have to go to work."

"Not now. Later tonight."

"What are you up to?" Beth squinted her eyes at Sherlock who was still looking down at Beth expectantly.

"Two people who like each other go out and have fun. A date. Me, you, John and whats-her-face. Double date." Sherlock waved his hand when he was unable to remember Sarah's name.

"Sherlock, I'll go with you later so you can do whatever it is you want to get in trouble for, but it wouldn't be a date." Beth giggled.

"Why not?" Sherlock looked at her innocently.

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