Part 1 - I Was a Fool

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All of this will be told from a third person perspective since I wanted to try this out. This will be a two-part story and will focus more on the plotline rather than the interaction between the two characters themselves. It's different from my usual work and I wanted to celebrate reaching the 200 followers mark with a special treat for my readers. Enjoy! Oh and part 1 is dedicated to the lovely @Light_Skin_Zayn, since she guessed the new title and she's amazing. Enjoy!


It was a cool and breezy April evening and Zayn was perched from the intense touring schedule these past few months. He was thankful that his R&B music had given him so much; nevertheless, the price of fame and fortune took a toll on him. He was mentally and physically exhausted. He was thankful that he would have the next month off all to himself and then he'd be off on the internatial leg of his tour for six months.

Living in Los Angeles had its perks. The privacy was a huge bonus and the scenery really was breathtaking throughout the year. He was on his way to Logan's Coffee House, a local shop that had local talent perform along with serving some locally grown fair trade products. This was something that Zayn really enjoyed, listening to upcoming talent.

Zayn always tried to play it low key whenever he went out in public. It was supposed to be his time to relax and be the audience member rather than an international star. The hat and designer sunglasses helped hide his golden brown orbs and helped blend him in with the hipster crowd. 

The streets were filled with bright lights that covered the darkness. The quiet cozy coffee shop was anything but that. It was packed. 

Zayn felt a bit anxious since he has never done well with packed crowds. As he made his way to an empty table in the back dark corner, something caught his eye.

It was a boy, perhaps in his early twenties and he looked immaculate. Now, it was true that Zayn had an attraction to both sexes but he never made it public. He never felt the need to share that personal discovery and if the time ever came to do so, Zayn would do it in a heartbeat if he truly loved them.

That mysterious boy  capitivated him ever so much. His insides were fluttering and he felt a stare coming from his crush.

He was coming right towards him.

Panic struck and just as he was about to make his way out the door, the boy called him.

"Wait! Don't go."

Zayn froze. The thing is, he has always been insecure about himself. though he told no one. He had an image that he needed to maintain. He needed to be cool and confident, not awkward and pathetic. 

"You're Zayn Malik, aren't you?", the boy whispered.

"I have no clue what you're talking about kid. Anyways, I'd best be heading off. Good luck."

The mystery boy blocked Zayn off.

"No, I want you to hear me. If you don't, I'll expose you right here and now".

This made Zayn extremely anxious. Big crowds have always ironically been one of his biggest fears. Zayn knew that he'd have to give in, not only that but the boy's eyes were so hypnotizing. His gut was telling him to sit back down and listen.

"Fine kid. I'll listen but I'm leaving right after. And just like that I made my way back to my seat. There was something intriguing about him. His eyes were warm. He melted me like the first breath of Spring overcoming the icy cold that is winter.

Within moments the show had commenced. The singers that had performed has been average at best, nothing caught Zayn's eyes. He had started to slouch due to the ever boring talent thus far.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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