Chapter Three

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I couldn't sleep that night. The nightmares came spiraling back to torture me and I couldn't fight them. Not this time. If Natasha and Scott had stayed away, I would be fine right now but the Avengers had to come find me. I couldn't be left to my own devices anymore.

I pace the small confines of my apartment. The snow outside was already piling up so it would be no use going for a run in this weather.

My phone starts ringing displaying an unknown number. I contemplate answering it but I wouldn't. It was probably Captain calling to talk to me. I doubt Scott is back but he probably called him with a status update.

The phone continues to ring and finally I give in. I want to take a break from the constant ringing but I don't want to unplug my phone either.

"Hello?" I ask annoyed as I lean against my kitchen counter.

"Can I please speak to Allison Swan?" The voice asks. I didn't recognize the person speaking so I consider saying that Allison doesn't live here.

"This is she." I reply quietly, dreading the person's response.

"I am calling on behalf of Captain America. He is currently under my protection in Wakanda and would like for you to come at once." I realized pretty quickly, that I was talking to the King of Wakanda and none other than the Black Panther. I was a fan of his but I wasn't going to let him boss me around.

"I already told Scott that I'm not interested, your highness." I reply keeping my voice steady. I hang up before he can say anything else. They weren't going to let this drop. I glance around my apartment wondering if all of this was really worth losing my family over.

I'd grown to like the small place I rented and quiet frankly I felt at peace here. That never happened when I was with the Avengers. I was always in danger and I never really had a chance to recover between attacks. Here, I might have a chance to create a new life for myself. That won't happen if I go back.

Part of me wonders, if I could help Bucky then run off again. I wouldn't have an excuse to separate myself again but maybe I could make that a condition of me helping them. I get to leave at the end of this.

I grab my cell phone and I text Natasha. It was a simple message, just three words: I'll do it.


"Your nose looks better." I tell Scott as he picks me up at my apartment. I had a suitcase in one hand and I have him take the box next to me. The owner of the apartment said she'll hold the apartment for two months so I can come back. I took all my stuff though just in case I didn't come back in that time. That way she can have someone else move in to the place.

"Your hand has seen better days." Scott replies casually as he puts my things in truck. I didn't recognize the driver at first.

"What you don't recognize me kid?" Clint asks as he gets out of the car. I run into his arms and he catches me. I missed him so much but I knew he wouldn't blame me for leaving. He was the person who told me that this was my chance.

"Why didn't they send you?" I pull away as I glance cautiously at Scott.

"They knew I wouldn't talk you out of this place. You were happy here." I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"I've never known happiness." I reply bitterly. Happiness and a dark past don't mix. "So how are the kids?" I take the passenger seat making Scott get in the back.

"Nathaniel was born a few months ago." He informs me.

"That's great. I hope I'm not the reason you came out of retirement because I would feel horrible." I inform him as we drive towards the airport. He assures me that I'm not the reason but part of me knew that he would be back there right now but I needed support.


"So is the Russian accent real or fake?" Scott keeps pestering me as Clint flies the jet. He's taking me to Wakanda which is where Captain's side of the Avengers is stationed.

"Do you ever shut up?" I ask as he starts getting on my nerves. That shuts him up for a few minutes. I pull out my journal hoping that he would let me write in peace. The book was a detailed account of all my nightmares.

It was a self-prescribed therapy that sometimes helps me sort out my feelings. I had three full journals so far and the fourth one was almost completed. I start getting to work on the entry for last night but I was too tired to focus. I close my eyes after a while and I attempt to get some rest.

"Allison?" I open my eyes a couple hours later. Clint was gently shaking me awake. "We're here, kid." I nod rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I step off the plane and am immediately engulfed in a tight hug. Wanda was the first person to get her hands on me. I hug her feeling like I was reunited with a long lost sister. Next Sam hugs me asking me discreetly if I've been doing better. I ever so slightly shake my head no and he promises to talk to me later.

Finally, Captain comes over. I run into his arms as he hugs me as tightly as he can. I didn't realize how much I've missed him as he strokes my hair. At that moment, I knew I wouldn't be going back to Russia.

These people were my family and I couldn't run away from them again.

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