Chapter 16

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Pluto searched the whole kingdom for Kai, but he was nowhere to be found, and neither was his family. It was safe to say that they fled. Pluto was furious over this, of course, but Minerva calmed him as usual, saying they would get him as soon as he showed his miserable face back in the kingdom. They were just about to go back to the castle when they noticed a commotion. Pluto and Minerva made their way to the gathering crowd to see what the uproar was about.

"Stand aside!" Pluto bellowed, and a path cleared for him and Minerva. They walked to two people in a light blue bubble, which was promptly dissolved into the air.

"Zeon," Pluto greeted coldly. "What brings you to Obscure territory in times of war? Have you come to take advantage of our situation?"

"Word travels fast, Pluto, but that is not why we are here," Zeon replied. "I would like to talk in private."


"Well, that would be for your ears alone. Yours along with your queen and heir."

Pluto glared at Zeon for a while before nodding slowly. "Very well. You will have an audience, but should you attempt anything, your son and yourself will pay."


Pluto and Minerva led Zeon and Astral to the castle without incident, even though many of the citizens longed to kill the royals. If they did, however, Pluto would be angry. He was always greedy for information, no matter who it came from. Killing Zeon and Astral would mean their own deaths, and everyone knew it.

"Here we are," Pluto grumbled when they reached the castle. "I will fetch Black Mist." He addressed a servant. "You there! Bring the guests some tea."

"Yes, my king." The servant girl bowed and left to the kitchen to fetch the drinks.

"Come, sit," Minerva invited, leading them to a plush room with chairs and a fireplace, which was not in use at the moment. She bent down and lit the fire for some comfort. "Make yourselves comfortable."

"Thank you," Zeon said and sat down, Astral sitting beside him. 

"I do hope you have come for a good reason," Minerva sighed. "Otherwise, we will have to kill you."

"Minerva, this is a grave matter. We would not have come otherwise."

Later, Pluto came back with Black Mist, who was just practicing blending his combat with his necromancy. "Well, Zeon, let us have the information," the Obscure king grunted.

"I will be blunt." Zeon stood up, hands clasped in front of him. Like his son, he weaved small smells in his hands, which made tiny explosions. "I felt a malevolent force in the opposite direction of this kingdom, knowing the Obscure had nothing to do with it; nonetheless, only the citizen of the Obscure would be able to make such a force."

Minerva and Pluto shared a worried glance while Black Mist stiffened in his place. "We may know who it is out there, but we never expected him to move so quickly."

"Kai," Black Mist spat out, as if the name was venom.

"Yes, I suspect so, as well," Astral agreed with a small nod of his head.

"Exactly." Minerva started pacing, her hands clasping in front of her. "It was recently that we discovered his motives, or what we suspect are his motives."

"I will propose something," Zeon said. His hands stopped moving. "A truce."

Pluto whipped his head to Zeon with a surprised glare. "A truce?"

"Please," Astral pleaded. "If the force Father felt is anything like he described it, both of our kingdoms will need to stop fighting. Besides, this war has been going on for centuries, and for a rather silly reason, I might add!"

Pluto thought about it for a moment, pacing back and forth, but eventually, he nodded. His eyes softened, making him seem more like a father than a hard king. "Yes, you have a point." He breathed deeply. "Very well. I agree to your truce."

Zeon waved his hands and produced a scroll. "Here are the proper documents. We will both sign in this very room."

And so the truce was made, both kings of the rival kingdoms agreeing to end the time of war for the sake of this new threat. Afterwards, a building was made for the two and their heirs to meet in what was once known as the Neutral Lands. Their people were informed of the truce, which was received with relief on both ends. It was obvious that both kingdoms were getting tired of producing things for war and that they could trade normally. The two kingdoms, once as close as brothers, could now prosper as they once did, many years ago.

Months passed, and as the kings and their heirs were meeting again, talking about their armies and how to approach the force, which Astral and Zeon reported was getting stronger and closer. While the kings talked, Black Mist and Astral helped each other practice their magic. Today, though, things were going to be different.

"You're going to teach me what?" Astral gasped as they walked about the halls. "You do realize I have never been trained in that area. I haven't the slightest idea where to start!"

"Oh, please," Black Mist chuckled, taking Astral's hands. "These hands can do many powerful things. I'm sure punching once or twice won't be an issue. Hell, the way you described the way my servant was left after you were done with him sounded like you punched him!"

"Yes, with magically enhanced fists. What you are asking of me is to use my own strength."

"Exactly. The sword you have is nice, and it'll get you out of a pinch, but what happens when you can't use it or your magic?" His black hands tightened around Astral's. "You use these."

Astral looked doubtfully at his own hands. "You have been training in physical combat since you were young, Black Mist. Conversely, I have been solely training in magic and using a light sword. What makes you think I can do this?"

"The same logic you used when you trained me to use magic, and that's much harder than honing your body to do something so simple."

The Cosmic prince took a deep breath and let it out. "Very well."

"Good." Black Mist led Astral down the hall and outside, where they could have more room for their practice.

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