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Let me try to recall where you got my sixth button... if I'm not mistaken, it was in the men's restroom.

Ha! I think I remember.

We were in our first year in secondary school. Both of us took part in the swimming competition. We were on a relay. That time you were taking butterfly stroke meanwhile I was called the master of freestyle. I don't understand why you always take up hardcore swimming strokes. Don't you feel tired?

So I remembered we won the competition and it was a state competition. The champions and first runner-up will get to go for national competition. If you get into the top 2 in the national competition, you will get the chance to join the Piranhas National Swim Team. You will get scholarship for your studies.

Of course we got into the national swim team but with one condition which is we need to study at Seoul Sports High. Oh my god we're going to Seoul to study!!!!

Thus, I plugged out one of the button and gave it to you as the memory of wearing this Ulsan Sports school uniform. The Seoul Sports High uniform is so cool. I really like it.

This is why we moved to Seoul.


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