Chapter 21

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"Thank you for visiting us today, sir," the kind gentleman whose name was Alberto said from behind the counter as he handed me my bags.

"Thank you," I said, taking the paper bags from him and turning on my heel to head for the door. The store had been empty the entire time I was there, and I could already see the flashes of cameras through the huge windows that were open to the city streets.

It had been a while since I'd had a proper shopping trip, and I was happy to get out of the house on this brisk November evening in London. But now, looking at all that I'd have to face in the form of overeager photographers, I sort of wished I'd stayed home.

"Harry!" voices called over and over again as I stepped outside of the Gucci store in central London. I largely ignored them, let them take their pictures, and turned to head down the street towards where I'd parked.

Only I didn't get far before the last person I wanted to see was stood right in front of me.

I probably cringed right in her face.

"Harry," she breathed, looking up at me with delighted brown eyes as she whipped her long blonde hair over a shoulder.

The clicks of the photographers' cameras picked up double speed at the appearance of Alexandra Weimer, an up and coming German model, who I'd met several times at different events over the last year or so.

But only recently did we decide to give dating a try.

Only in the last few months did I decide to give dating a try in general. I'd been out with several women—models, actresses, designers—over the last couple of months, and Alexandra was the one I liked best. She was sweet and outgoing. Funny without trying to be. Confident in herself and kind to everyone around her. She was warm and smart and beautiful. So beautiful, it was no wonder she was already making strides in the industry.

And yet, I hadn't called her back after sleeping with her.

"Alexandra," I said, trying to sound enthusiastic while still keeping my voice low enough so that the paparazzi wouldn't hear. "It's, uh, it's good to see you."

She was smiling so widely, I only felt more guilty. But she also knew how this worked, and didn't reach out to touch me or hug me while the photographers were present.

"It's good to see you too," she said softly, still looking at me like I was everything she wanted. "I—I was hoping to hear from you, but..."

I sighed when she trailed off, and looked past her at the people stopping on the sidewalk to see what the commotion was all about, their eyes going wide when they met mine. One girl dropped the coffee cup she was holding.

I looked at Alexandra again, more than overwhelmed by the need to get myself out of there, but also overwhelmed by a sense of supreme guilt. "I know, I'm sorry. Things have just been... busy since being back, between work and seeing my family, and—"

"You don't have to explain," she said, still smiling brilliantly, but there was an undercurrent in her tone that told me she understood what I didn't have the courage to say: Nothing more would likely be happening between us. "I - I've been pretty busy, too. Work's been crazy these days."

She was laughing, or trying to. But I knew that even though I owed her an explanation, I couldn't give her that explanation here.

"Harry! Alexandra! Look over here."

"Are you two an item?"

"C'mon, give us a smile."

I looked from the photographers back to Alexandra, and tried to smile. "Look, I'll give you a ring, alright?"

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