Chapter 4 - Complication .. or an improvement?

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 Jade's P.O.V

The next morning we went skiing like every day. I love skiing. It's so releasing!

As soon as we got from the slope and made our way to the hotel, I saw an ambulance car standing in front of it.

„What happened?“ I asked confusedly.

„Emma fell down, I saw it. It looked pretty bad.“ Jesy stated.

„Oh! Is she okay?“ I wondered.

„I really don't know.“ she said with a poker face. Suddenly the driver turned on the engine and the ambulance car vanished from our sight. We all came into the hotel, changed our clothes and met in the common room.

„So guys, I've got some bad news.“ Mrs. Barkley started. „Emma broke her leg so she's no longer staying here.“

„She left for good?“ I heard Perrie's voice.

„Don't say 'for good', Ms. Edwards, she's alive.“ Mr. Stevenson let himself be heard.

„I meant, she isn't coming back from the hospital?“ she continued.

„No, she isn't, Mrs. Barkley already said it. We go skiing every day, how could you ski with a broken leg?“ he gave her a 'think before you say something' look and then he spoke to all of us: „Take a rest for a while, guys, we're gonna meet up here in an hour.“

Everyone left immediately but me and Perrie stayed there, I think we had the same idea.

„Mr. Stevenson? Emma left so can we -“ I started but got interrupted by him.

„No, you can't change your room.“

„But -“ Perrie joined me but he interrupted us again.

„Rules are rules. Stop acting like small kids.“ He looked quite angry. I didn't say anything, I just came back to our room.

Only me and Perrie? What have I done?

I threw myself on the bed.

This is going to be a very long day.

As I said, it was a very long day. It was about 10 PM now and our evening programme just ended so I was coming back to our room. Perrie was already here, just lying on her bed. Was she even with us in the common room this evening? She's been acting weird this afternoon. She didn't even come to see Leigh-Anne in our free time and when Leigh came up to her, she sent her away. It wasn't Perrie we all knew! Was she that angry about Stevenson not letting us to change our room? But I hadn't asked anything obviously.

I prepared my shampoo, shower gel, towel and pyjamas. I really looked forward to take a shower! When I grabbed everything, I noticed Perrie wasn't in the room anymore. She finally got her ass to Leigh-Anne, I guessed. I walked into the bathroom and froze. Perrie was there.

„Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here. I'll come later.“ I apologized.

„No, it's fine. Take a shower.“ she said simply, grabbed her things and with that she left the bathroom. What the hell? Perrie just let me take a shower first? No fights? No arguments? No „Get the fuck out of here, I was here first“ ? There is seriously something wrong with her!

„Thank you?“ It was more like a question.

I was really confused but I just locked the door, got into the shower and enjoyed the warm water flowing down my body.

When I came back to our room, Perrie was lying on her bed .. crying?! She noticed me and quickly turned her body so she was facing the wall. I stood there like I was glued to the floor until I heard her sob.

„Perrie, are you okay?“ I asked carefuly. She didn't answer for a while, I noticed she was trying to calm her voice.

„Yes.“ she responded simply, her 'voice calming activity' apparently didn't work because I heard her voice was shaking.

„Are you sure?“ I asked again. I knew we weren't friends so anything that happened was none of my business but I was still a human and I did have feelings.

„Mh-h.“ she did quietly and then bursted into tears. Fuck, I didn't know what to do! She stood up quickly and tried to run to the bathroom but I grasped her wrist to stop her.

„I get that you don't want to talk to me about your private things but at least don't lie to me, please.“ I said kindly. More kindly than I thought I could ever be to her. She didn't say anything, she just wrapped her arms around my neck, buried her head to my shoulder and started to cry even more.

„Come sit down.“ I told her softly, took her to her bed and made her sit down. „Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?“

She took a deep breath. „Well..“ She sobbed. I waited patiently for her answer. „My grandma died.“

I didn't know what to say. „I'm so sorry, Perrie.“

„I just .. I didn't even say goodbye to her. I went to see her almost every day, because I really loved her, you know. Fucking disease, fucking world, fucking everything! I could tell she was my favourite family member and now she's just -“ she went silent for a moment and then bursted into tears again.

„Shh. Come on, you have to be strong.“ I hesitated for a while but then I hugged her. This moment was so different from our behavior lately! It felt so strange to hold her. Sort of deja vu. I kinda missed our friendship. She always made me feel good and special, nobody could make me feel the way  she did. It was gone but she needed me now and I really wasn't that bitchy to leave her like this.

I just held her tight until she calmed herself a little. I wiped away her tears and gave her a little smile.

„It'll be okay.“ I tried to make her feel better but she just shook her head. „It will, I promise.“

I took her hand and she seemed calmer after that. She laid down on the bed, still holding me. I understood that she was going to sleep now so I let her hand go and planned to go to sleep too but she gripped my wrist.

„Stay with me, please.“ she whispered. I was really surprised. If anyone earlier said to me that this would happen, I would not believe. She wanted me to stay with her? I usually didn't want to be with her longer than I had to but everything was like in another dimension right now. I felt like I wanted to stay there. So I simply nodded and laid down behind her, facing her back. I thought I couldn't be more surprised but I was wrong again. She took my hand softly and put it on her waist so I was hugging her. I decided to forget about our issues. At least for now. I felt comfortable lying next to her to be honest. I don't know why, I just did.

„I'm sorry.“ she released a barely audible whisper.

„For what?“ I didn't understand.

„For what I did to you. About Josh and your parents. And about all the things I've done since then.“

„Perrie -“

„I know I screwed it up. I wouldn't wonder if you just left me here because I deserve it.“ she finished.

„No one deserves it.“ I responded after a quiet moment.

„Thank you.“ She sounded gratefully. I didn't say anything, I just smiled even though she couldn't see it. A lot of thoughts were running through my head but I tried to ignore it. It didn't take long and I fell asleep.

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