Chapter 1

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I drove up to the parking lot of Time To Time Real Estate. The old, beat - up building that is holding the key to my freedom is right there. I'm starting to realize that everything in this god forsaken town is run down. How could anything new and improve last in a college town like this? Drunk party frats and sober slutty sorority girls tear everything they come in touch with.

No other car is in the parking lot so i sit and let the engine idle. My heart is racing and i didnt even notice it. I am ready for my own place. Nobody to answer to, no stupid guys that i dont know always staying the night like at the sorority.

A knock on my window pulls me out of my memories of being a sorority girl. A woman, about 5"3 with short brown hair and emerald green eyes is standing on the other side of my door. She's bundled up in a faux fox fur jacket that hangs just below her knees. Given, it is 25 degrees outside. I grab my jacket, keys, and purse and jump out of the car. I feel like practically running to the door to get inside and hurry up the process but i dont. The woman hasnt said one word to me since she tapped on my window.

The office door opens with a click and i hurriedly get inside. I shrug my jacket off and place it on the hook by the door. "My office is the second on the left. You can have a seat while i start the coffee pot and turn on the heat." The woman smiles and shuffles to a dark room in the back. I sit down at the wooden desk and look over my realtors belongings. Her name plate says that her name is Becca Listor. What a real estate agent name.

Her pictures mainly consisted of two little girls with long blonde hair. One had glasses and one had what seemed like disablities. They both were grinning from ear to ear in every picture. "Okay! I've had my coffee, im warm and toasty, and im ready to start the day!" She laughed a breathy laugh and I tried hard to duplicate her.

She sat and sorted through papers before catching me staring at those pictures again. "Those are my sweet girls, Lydia and Annie. I doubt you have children, am i right?" I smiled warmly. "Yeah, you're right." "Well, they are a joy. I love them. They're a pain, but I'm lucky they are my pain." I nodded, I am tired of talking about kids. I am way to young to be thinking about raising babies, I'm a baby myself! I must have had a concerned/worried look across my face because she cleared her throat and shuffled some papers across her desk.

"Alright, we have already signed and put down payments on the apartment. I'm just gonna give you your basic stuff like your address and your keys." I learned my address almost immediately and skipped through all the nitty-gritty. Finally, it was time to hand over the keys and let me on my way. Luckily, i had already bought my furniture and had it moved in. Now all i had to do was hang up pictures and officially move myself into 52B Silver Lake Apartments.

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