Chapter 3

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Avery's POV

I don't think I have ever knocked this much in my life. What the hell could she be doing in there? What if she has a boyfriend over? I didn't see anyone get out of the car with her.

Certainly nobody came while I was inside.

Maybe I should quit knocking and leave. Obviously she's not gonna come to the door. I highly doubt she will even remember me. She didn't even know me. Well, there was that one time I'll never forget but she probably already has.

"I'm coming!" her voice rings out. Is she on her period? Maybe this is a bad time. No, Avery man up. She's the girl of your dreams. Stand here all day if you need to. You changed for her. She will see you.

The door swings open and her eyes almost bulge out of her head. Those beautiful blue eyes. I've missed them. No dude, that's weird. Wait, what the hell is she wearing? Does she even have on a bra? Quit staring, she'll see you.

Her brown hair is pulled back in a messy bun on the side of her head. She has little to no makeup on her face, just a sweep of mascara, and pink lipgloss. She's wearing pin striped pajama shorts even though its 32 degrees outside right now. Her shirt says "Go Big or Go Home" with a mug of beer on it. She hasn't changed a bit.

I realize that we've been standing here for a while not saying anything so i guess I'll start the conversation. "Uhm, hi. I'm your neighbor, Avery Duncan. I saw you move in the other day and then you kinda left, but now your back. Haha, uhm, I was gonna say hey when you were here next and now here you are."

Her mouth opened, but then closed immediately. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I cleared my throat trying to get her to say something. Maybe a hey back would be nice.

"Would you like to come in?" she asked with a strangled voice.

I just shook my head yes, her response catching me way off guard. She stepped out of the way of the door and looked down towards the hardwood. I don't want to make her uncomfortable in the slightest. After I made my way to the dining room I remembered the other line I had rehearsed to say. "Would you like some help? You know, carrying boxes up? Anything like that?'

"I think I have it all out, but thanks." Her smile grew warm and unforced, almost natural. I smiled back, not because I was being polite but because that's what my mouth just did. I don't really smile anymore. It was too much of a forced habit after she left. When I got to Duke and didn't have any classes with her I quit and changed my entire look. I couldn't bear repeating the high school invisibility card again.

"Uhm, I could use some help putting stuff up though. Like I have some plates that need to go in cabinets as long as you don't have butter fingers," she laughed and I realized how much I had miss hearing her laugh.

"Sure! One thing you need to know about me is that I'm no klutz!", I said as I turned around toward the cabinet. I hit my hip against the island and the box full of plastic cups tumbles down onto the kitchen floor. A huge crash exploded and billowed through out the apartment.

Her laugh was loud but beautiful. "Okay, Mr. Graceful...right over here." She points to the table and hands me boxes. I have to say, I'm surprised she carried these by herself.

"You know, you look really familiar. Where are you from, Avery?"

Juliette's POV

He was the most gorgeous creature I have ever seen. His eyes were a perfect light brown. I could get lost in them for hours. He had a strong jaw bone that hypnotized me. I could only imagine what a great kisser he was. He has to have a girlfriend.

I thought it was incredibly weird for him to be in a BonIver t-shirt since that is my favorite band and it's 33 outside right now. He starts talking but I could really care less at what he's saying. I hear the words hey and I don't want him to just leave.

"Would you like to come in?" I see the reaction of of my words on him before I realize what I said. He smiles and I can see deep laugh lines crease his face. Obviously, he doesn't smile much because as soon as he quits they disappear.

"Sure! One thing you need to know about me is that I'm no klutz!" He turned towards the cabinets and I knew before he did it that he was gonna break something. Oddly enough, I was completely okay with that. As long as he stayed.

A crash brings me from my thought and I look up to see an anxious Avery running his hand over his short cropped hair and running it down his neck. His dark hair doesn't move but it has more of a sexy look to it. I laugh, I don't know why but I do.

"Okay, Mr. Graceful...right over here." I hand him some boxes and see the look of discomfort when the full force plops down in his arms. He starts unpacking the boxes and putting the plates up. The cups on the floor are rolling around and he will probably fall on one if I don't pick them up. I bend down to start cleaning up his mess when it dawns on me.

Avery Duncan, that name is so dang familiar. "You know, you look really familiar. Where are you from, Avery?" I look up at him and find him staring down at me. A flash of expression crosses his face, but I'm not sure what the expression is.

"Ashley, North Carolina," was his reluctant answer. What...? I'm from Ashley, North Carolina.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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