Why is life so hard- That family reunion Part 2

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\Rachel's POV/

I start giggling at the spongebob episode and start to feel small kisses on my neck and I bit my lip to stop a small moan. Two can play at this game. I slide my hands under his boxers and he slides a blanket over us. He moves his hand to my pants and plays with the waist band. I start stroking him and he slides his fingers in fast. "Ow!" I moan out, luckily not attracting any attention. He has a big grin on his face so I speed up my hand and put more pressure and he furrows his brow. He scowls and does the same. We keep this up for about 20 more minutes and he whispers in my ear. "I'm going to blow." He smirks and I start drag him upstairs and he says no. I pout and he gives me a kiss and goes into the bathroom and I hear him groan. I grab a piece of water melon and hide under James' old bed. I hear him asking his mom where I was. He comes up by me and looks down at me. I scramble up and down the stairs. and into the living room. He picks me up and kisses me. James wraps his arms around my waist and deepens the kiss as I put my arms around his neck and put my legs on his hips.I hear a bunch of cameras going off. We look at them and I blush. "Any redder and you'll look like the watermelon you ate." He smirks at me. "DINNER!" James' mom yells really loud. I jump and squeal like a little kid and sit in the chair next to the kids. He groans and sits next his brothers and sisters. I over hear words like, 'Whipped' and 'you dropped playerish ways'. I swear if he bangs more chicks I'm going to whoop the shit out of him. I stab down my fork and and it breaks the plate. I sigh and clean it up. James mom hugs me hard, "You over heard didn't you." She sighs and I nod my head. "I swear if he is or does cheat on you, you have my permission to hurt him."

"I figured but I'm still going to ask him." I smile and feel arms wrap around my waist. "So... how many girls have you slept with." As soon as I ask that he sighs.


"How many have you dated?"


"Are you cheating on me?"

"NO! No no no no no no! I would. Never. Ever." He assures me and I hug him and start to tear up. "It's ok, I understand why you where worried." He rubs my lower back. "I-I-I-I'm s-sorry I d-doubted you!" I cry out and he kisses my head saying it's ok. I'm glad he's mine.

\James' POV/

I'm glad she's mine. I swear, I will beat the shit out of my brother. I let her go because my mom is going to comfort her. I storm over to him, "Who the fuck do you think you are?" I scream. "Hey man, let go! He pleads like crazy. "No I'll let go when i fucking want to, you fucking made her cry because she asked me things that a player would do and since it wasn't how much a player would have done she started crying for doubting me! I swear you say any other shit like that, and your going to fucking wish you where never born." I spit and he punches me in the face. I jump on him and hold him down and punch his face over and over while kneeing him in the balls. My mom pulls us apart, and has people hold us back. Rachel runs away so I pull away from the people and follow her. "Babe, what's wrong?"I ask taking her hand which she pulls away right as I grab it. "Please answer me!" I plead and she start to stutter. "Y-y-you l-l-looked like y-y-you were g-g-going to k-kill him. It was scary." She buries her face in my chest and I put on her shoes and jacket and do the same for me. "Where are you going?" My mom asks and I shake my head and walk out the door but not before my mother hands me cake. She loves making red velvet cake. I sigh a thanks and walk out.


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