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I got really worried, specially remembering what Ariana had said.

But I wanted to give a good impression of myself to the cameras. So I squeezed Avan’s hand and smiled to show that I’m ready for the red carpet. We walked up there and I looked at my feet so I wouldn’t fall down. We got in front of all the cameras, and I swear, there were hundreds of them. They were all screaming for something. I couldn’t exactly tell what, but I heared a lot of „Avan-over-here“ and „Smile!“, then they all suddenly started screaming for me. They screamed „Rachel over here!“ and „Rachel come on!“ and stuff like that. It was so weird to hear my name being called out like that, the only time I’d had that before was in the spring musical in 7th grade, where I sang a Hannah Montana song and the crowd went wild. But this was so much more than just classmates and their parents. They were all strangers.

I tried to smile at every camera and look my best. We had to walk along and pose for more cameras. When we finally got off the carpet, I was relieved.

„Hey, you did great!“ Avan smiled holding my hand.

„Thanks, I think“ I laughed.

We headed towards the cinema. On our way, there were food, drinks and as always more reporters. One of them waved at me and Avan, so we walked up to them.

„Hey Avan, is this your new girlfriend?“ a yound blonde lady asked giving the mic to Avan.

„Yes, this is my girlfriend Rachel.“ Avan answered winking at me.

„So Rachel, tell us what is Avan like. Is he a romantic? How many dates have you had?“ she fastly asked me.

„He’s, um, really sweet. He’s a total romantic, and I’d say we’ve had like 2 dates“ I said smiling at the woman. She pulled the mic back and asked:

„But Avan, what about Liz, I thought you guys had a thing goin on?“

„Actually, we didn’t. It was all just bad gossip“ he said with a confident voice.

„That’s great then, I wish you all the best! This has been Avan and his new girlfriend and you’re watching...“ she was left off to finish the little interview.

„I should warn you, that there are gonna be tons of people who are also gonna ask the same questions, so we’re gonna have to give the same answers“ he said pulling me to another woman and her camera man.

Before we got to the cinema, we talked to more than 10 people, who had the same questions. It got pretty boring at the end, but it was still fun. I felt like I needed a trip to the bathroom, so I left Avan there to wait for me.

When I came out of there to wash my hands, I saw Ariana who was putting on lipgloss. I walked next to her.

„Hey Rachel!“ she said.

„Hey Ariana!“ I greeted her back.

„So how has it been, the whole cameras and interviews thing, you like it?“ she said while adding a little blush to her perfect face.

„It’s been pretty scary, but I actually like it, it was fun!“ I said going through my hair with a miny comb.

„Hehe great! Are you gonna go and see the movie?“ she asked packing up her thing.

„Isn’t that what we’re here for?“ I laughed.

„Well yeah, but not everyone actually goes to see the movie. But I’m going. Do you wanna join me?“ she said waiting for me.

„Sure, why not.“ I said and we started walking out of the bathroom.

As we got out, I started looking for Avan. After seconds of looking, I found him with Elizabeth. Elizabeth had her arm on his shoulder and was probably going for a kiss. I froze and looked at Avan, and what he was going to do about it. We pushed Elizabeth’s hand away and told her something in an angry tone.

„See? I warned you, Liz is up to something and it’s not good. She always thought that Avan was with him in real life too but now.. let’s just say she’s trying to get him back“ she said noticing Avan and Elizabeth.

„Yeah, I know, I just wonder when she’s gonna get over it“ I murmured.

„We can never know about that. But let’s go over there, we don’t want anything bad to happen anyway!“ she said taking my hand and pulling me after her.

„Hey Avaaaan!“ Ariana screamed from meters away. Avan looked away from Elizabeth and smiled opening his arms wide for Ariana. They hugged and then pulled away.

„Ariana suggested that we should go see the movie together“ I said to break the silence.

„That’s a great idea! Let’s go!“ Avan said and me and Ariana both started walking away for Elizabeth.

„Don’t think this is over!“ Elizabeth screamed when I passed her.

„That was weird.“ I whispered to Ariana.

„Yeah, tell me about it! But don’t worry, I won’t let it happen!“ she whispered smiling at me.

„Thanks!“ I smiled.

We went in to see the movie. It was a comedy, and a pretty funny one. Me and Ariana laughed the hole time, and after the movie.

„You wanna hang out tomorrow?“ Ari said before stepping into her limo.

„Sure, I’ll call you! By!“

„Great, by!“ she yelled.

„What now?“ Avan said from behind.

„I don’t know. Do you wanna come over?“ I winked.

„Sure, let’s go“ he said and I stepped into the limo with him following me.

We arrived at my place and I went upstairs to change. I put on a black tank top and pink shorts.

When I came downstairs, I saw Avan – shirtless. I couldn’t help myself to think, that he looked good. Really good. But I wasn’t ready to do this, I felt like we had been together for too little time.

I went ahead and hugged him. He kissed my ear and moved along to my lips. I’m pretty sure he knew that I wasn’t ready. I didn’t go too far. I felt comfortable and good. I was just thinking of going farther when something flashed in front of my face. And after a second, there were more flashes. At least 15 cameras were behind my window. I ran there and closed the curtain. I also closed all the other windows, curtains and doors.


WOW! 10th chapter, right? That's amazing!

Liz has some evil plans, no good, at all. 

I swear, only 2 more weeks til spring break, but they give more homework than ever. Stupid teachers :/ But the teachers are protesting on Wednesday, and we have a free day, YAAY!



Could I get a comment? pliz ? :D For my friend who has her 15th bday on Monday? Or for Mr. Toby Joe Turner who turned 27 today [03.03]! WHEEW! 

kk, thanks ;) 

Sorry, I talk too much and have bad english. You'll have to survive :D 



PS! Summer's almost here! Just a little more :) 

You can't stop, if you never started (A Victorious story PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now