The Unique One

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GET THE FUCK UP YOU SLUT AND SHUT THAT THING UP!!!" my fath- excuse me Josh. He lost the the chance of being my father LONG ago. I get up and scurry to my baby sister's room and cue her back to sleep i then get her dressed and go back to my room to

After Shower

After getting dressed i get my 2 month old sister Clair and my bag and since he's already gone i just run to my car and drive her to day care then to school. My name is Melony Blackmoon and i'm a werewolf yeah you hurd right WEREWOLF and i am 17. Usually at the age of 16 you find your mate and at 13 you shift but i don't have my mate yet obviously. My wolf's name is Caroline and is a snow white wolf with the tips of her ears, tail and her paws are black with a black nose, you could say i'm a rouge but i prefer loner since i'm not a rouge by choice. I pull into my parking space and walk into school

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