Just Shut up Darren

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I walk into school and am tackled by my only friend. Lizzy. She's the only one that knows about my father's abuse and helps get rid of any marks he puts on me. I get up and we hug "how's Clair bear" i smile and sat "she's great. She learned how to crawl finally" everyone that knew my Clair bear, loved her. She's just so lovable that you just can't not love her, even dad no i'm sorry Josh used to until mom died then he became what he is now a cold heartless son of a bitch who abuses his own kids, well me at least i don't let him anywhere near Clair and i plan to keep it that way. "Hey Melony!" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around just to see Darren. Who's Darren? you might be asking. No well to bad, he's just a guy who is obsessed with me and on the football team and if i could get away with murder he'd be the first one on my list "what Darren" i say annoyed. He's been asking me out for months now and i just don't like him that way. Who am i kidding i don't like him at all. I'm waiting for my mate but i can already tell he's not a virgin like me so i know he's either a player or in a serious relationship. "Hey Mel wanna go out some time we could go watch a movie or-"  "No Darren now how many times do i have to say no to get that threw your head that i don't like you like everyone else here" i say cutting him off he rolls his eyes and walks away saying "you will soon"

"hey if you want you could spend the night at my housr with Clair" Lizzy says i smile and nod and we both walk to 1st hout together while I think of ways to be able to stay st Lizzy's

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