The Beginning

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        There was a boy, he was a young boy and he loved to draw..His name was James, He wasn't in art and he didn't have a sketch book or pencil he only had his body and a razor. One day he met a girl just like him, her name was Cathalina, she as well used her body as her canvas and a razor as her pencil. One day during a cold windy evening, they were at the park and the girl asked the boy why he did it, and the boy replied "No one cares what happens to me, I'm unloved, ugly and fat..." He stopped talking and looked at the girl," Why do you do it..?" She looked at him with a frown and replied " I do it because I'm ugly, worthless, and want to die but what makes it worse is no one would care if i did." It was silent for a moment then the boy looked at the girl and said with a tear in his eyes.. "I would care if you died, i need you here with me because without you i would have no reason to get up in the morning" With a smile the girl whipped away his tear and replied "I would never leave you to wonder this earth to deal with your monsters alone.."

      About a month had passed since then and they had spent every second of every minute and every minute of every day together, They both became happier, they had both been clean for over 6 weeks now and it was all thanks to fate bringing them together. They had become best friends then one day after school they were hanging out and the boy bought her to the same spot that they had met. He put his books down pulled her to the bench and they both sat down. He started to speak He said to her while looking in her eyes with  a soft peaceful look and started to speak. "Cathalina i know it's only been a short time since we met but i bought you here today to ask you something."...... "But before i do i want you to know that because of you i have realized that there is a such thing as love, it's because of you that i have started to express my art in words instead of cuts, writing them with a pencil instead of a razor, finally i wanna say this.. I am madly deeply and excruciatingly in love with you will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?"

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