True Hearts

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I credit this story to FaridTheEgghead for asking the request. I may not be very good at romance stories but uhm, I'll see what I can do..

Love was the hardest thing for Farid to figure out. He was that typical smart guy that everyone used for homework or files... Farid never dated ANYONE! So it was hard for him to fall in love...  He wasn't a pervert that liked staring at girls privates or didn't keep naked girl pictures in his room. He was that friendly guy that kept to himself and helped anyone in need. 

            Farid had the look of a angel. He had glossy grey eyes, smooth brown hair, thin, tall, and some people call him freckle face because of all the freckles on his face...

   Farid got up and smashed the alarm clock. "Im awake, I'm awake.." he rubbed his eyes and put his slippers on. He took his robe of and got dressed. "Bye mom.." He said opening the door.

  "Bye son. Don't be looking at any girls chest you hear me?" She shouted to him.

Farid shakes his head and laughs "Yeah, sure whatever mom. I think it's gross anyway.." 

He finally makes it to school and goes to the cafeteria for breakfeast and goes to the food line and grabs a salad and water. 

     Some tall kid cuts in front of Farid. He raised and eyebrow and snarls "Hey! I was here first."


        "Look fat ass I was here first!!" Farid stood up straight and growled.

The tall kid turned and shoved Farid.  His salad spilt everywhere and his milk spilt on his shirt. Then a girl with blonde hair and bangs covering her eyes brows, sparkly brown eyes, thick eyelashes and freckles went over to he fat kid and uppercutted him in the nose. "LOOK FATSO LEAVE THE GUY ALONE!" She shoved him down and put her hand out for me to get up. I grab her hands and lifts me up. Some thick chest she had.. Not to sound pervy or anything and her bottom, was a perverts dream.. Which is  not me.. 

   "I am Chloe.. Are you okay?"

"I'm Farid and thanks.. I don't think I could have pushed that guy myself."

          "Anytime. Hey um the proms coming up do you have a date..? Don't think I am asking you out or anything.. I mean we can go as friends or somethin."

Farid blushed. "Hehe oh yeah I don't sure we can go as friends sure!.."

    Farid thought going as friends was fine, but he wanted it to be more than friends. 

Friday came and Farid was ready for the prom. Execpt the fact that Farid was really nervous.. A girl Farid knew since kindergarten and walked over to him. "Hey Fare Fare" Her name was Crystal and she had short orange hair, a perky nose, freckles and elf looking ears. She would hang out with him if he was alone sometimes. "So you know the prom is tonight! I was wondering if maybe we could  go out!'

     Farid turned his head "Well, I was going with Chloe...."

Crystal gasped and put her hand over her mouth.. "No way! She's the hottest toughest girl of school guys choose her over the popular girls! Well they only like her because of her thick chest and butt.. Which others consider her "junk"

Farid made a grossed out look and shrugged "We are just going as friends.."

               "Mkay then.. I will just go with Marlton. Bye.." She walked away down the hall.

Chloe walked over to me and smiled. "Hey, what's up?" She smirked.  

  "Nothing.. Bout you?"

"Just exicted about the prom. We can eat cake together and sit on the bleachers and watch other people dance and stuff..."

      "Huh sounds fun!" Farid smiled and giggled.

"See you tonight." Chloe leaves and I see two jocks coming toward me.

              "So are you going Chloe??" Said the one with blonde hair.

"Yeah we are just going as friends though.."

      "FRIENDS!?!?!" The one with brown hair snickers.

"HAHA so you really are the hopeless for a date aren't you?"

          "Typical. You guys don't even know what that means."

"Yeah we do freckle face!"

      "If you really know what does it mean??"

"That your to dumb for a date??"

"No hopeless means desperate. Which I doubt you to even know what that MEANS!"

Farid walks away..

The day was over and Chloe came to meet Farid. His mom opened the door. "Oh hello! Are you Farid's girlfriend.."

   "No.. We are just friends!" Chloe smiled "Can I come in???" 

"Yes yes come in." Farid mother held the door open for Chloe and she came in. 

          "You ready?" She asked Farid.

"Yeah!" Farid came out of his room and walked outside to school with Chloe. 

   They finally made it and it was full of love. Farid and Chloe withup to the fruit punch and drank some together. 

They smiled but Farid had a feeling in his heart. That they were more than just friends. He grabbed the back of her head and he french kissed her. He didn't noticed at first but then was he was done. 

  "Chloe.. I am sorry about the random kiss... I just want to be more than friends... If not have this rose to remeber me..."

    Chloe smiled "It's okay." She grabbed Farid's head and pulled it towards her's and kissed him.

"I love you.."

     "I love you too Chloe"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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