♡♢Chapter 4♡♢: The fight ROSE AND LIZZIE VS JR

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"Wait wait huh why are you gonna fight you and Rose didn't fight Lizzie " I asked? "Oh do you want to explain to her why" Lizzie asked "Ok well we were about to fight but she said we are good so I accept it even if it was like an aline which I was confused but all well oh we said we were good when Lizzie made that joke but he didn't accept so we have to fight so stand back" she explained "Oh so if we say we are good so you won't fight wow my kind is so different" I said "SHUT UP LET'S START THE FIGHT" He yelled "wait what do you do if they win" I asked "oh I have to give them one of my things but this well be a piece of cake" JR said. Oh no there gonna fight how do I stop that from happening. "LET GO" He yelled. He got a nife out of his bag. Oh how Jr looks he has black hair brown eyes he kinda short he has dirty clothes blue shirt and black plants and blue vans with a bag.

He went for the strike with Lizzie " Ahhah I I'm almost done with you" He whispered. But Lizzie jump she look serous now mad with angered as like why would you strike me first. So then Rose wacky him on the head with a big stick. "You little" He said angered. He scratch Rose then she got mad. Then he got so mad it look hard for them to handle it. I want to help I'm too weak. I act brave but i'm not. I'm too scared there so strong. And they can handle it right. "Hisss meow" they both said. They turned into these strange cats with a color of there hair. He also turned has his color of his hair. Whaaa what they fell on top of me that hurts."Sorry Lucky " Lizzie and Rose said.

Jr scratch Lizzie clothes were you could see her back. "Oh no uh I don't want my clothes to fall off" Lizzie said worried. The he scratch Rose from the front lucky she has a bra. "Ugh RAAA" Rose yelled. What Rose turned into a powerful animal that had wings of a bird but on fire. Then a fire cat. Then she attacked he moved. She got to mad that she keep scratching him. Then Lizzie turned into a the animal that I call fire cat. So then they both scratch him. Boom they won Jr gave them a necklace both said BFF only they got it because they won. "You Guy wow you were awesome " I said. "Yeah we make good team" said Lizzie "yup" said Rose "you were awesome " I said amazed  "Ugh well since you won i gave to follow your orders" said Jr angered. "Cool" Lizzie said "Well I'm gonna go to land of the lost are staying or coming" I asked. "I'm gonna stay" they said "Ok bye" I said waving bye.

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