The New Kid

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Ray's POV

Stupid ass tardy bell. I wasn't even done writing yet. Fuck this new school! Man I gotta calm down... My temper is what got me kicked out of my last school when I... " hey dude you're in my seat" I looked up to see some dude with this huge Afro standing in my face. "Oh my bad bruh" "you good, what's yo name homie?" "Rayan, but folks call me Ray Ray" "imma call you Ray, iight?" "I guess" I got up from his seat, right when this girl walked in.. She looked real familiar... Omg that's my fucking Ex girlfriend. I haven't talked to her since... IT happened. She better not come here to tell the whole school of my past. If she does.. I got something for her ass.


First period was finally over, thank Jesus! I grabbed my books, when some dude knocked then on the floor laughing. Not this bullying shit again. I don't have time for this bullshit! "Aye man, watch what the fuck you doing iight!" "Oh you talking to me?" "You the fucking imbecile who knocked my books out of my hand ain't you?" "Nah dude that's someone else" "whatever, just get the hell out of my face before I beat your ass" he smirked at me as if I was playing with his ass, this nigga must not know where I'm from. Where I'm from we fuck niggas up on the spot, it ain't no talking. He better be lucky I'm not trying to get expelled again.

Harmony's POV

I didn't know the new kid was like that. He just cussed Brian out without even thinking about it... No one has ever done that to Brian. It's about time someone shows Brian what's up. I walked to my locker after first period tardy bell rang, getting ready to go to second period when someone came up to my locker and closed it. "Prince why the fuck did you do that!" "I'm sorry sis I thought you were done" "what the fuck ever Jacob" "aye! What I tell you about calling me by my government name" "nigga please. Get away from me" "love you too sis!" "Ummmhum" I walked away fuming. Why the fuck would he close my locker. It takes forever and a day to open it!


After school I was ready to get the freak our of there😩 I hate school so much. Don't get me wrong... I love education, I just hate the concept of school. It's stupid and pointless. I started walking home when I saw a boy with two braids walking ahead of me. It must be Ray. I ran to keep up with him. "Hey ray! Wait up!" He slows down with his fast paced walking to let me catch up to him. "So how was your first day here?" "I know you saw that incident in first period.. It's not going so good." "Oh.. Well don't worry I'm sure it'll get better" he smiled that million dollar smile at me. "Thanks, but I'm sure it won't" "and what makes you so sure" I questioned. "I'm not sure, I just have this feeling" he smirked. I laughed at his horrible attempt at a smirk. "You need to work on that smirk, you look like a freaking sociopath. His eyes got big. "Seriously" "yes" I nodded my head.👌 "well dang then" he chuckled. His laugh was to die for.. He seems like a pretty cool guy... I guess. We continued to walk home when I realized we were on my street and he walked across the street where a moving van was..? Huh. I guess he's our new neighbor. "See you tomorrow" I screamed as a truck went down the street. He turned to me with a big cheesy grin and smiled... God I love his crooked smile.😻


As I walked in the house, up to my bedroom prince called me into the kitchen. "Harmony" "what dude?" "Can you help me with my pre-cal?" "No dude. I have physics to do" "you suck" "so does your mom" "I'm telling her you said that" "so" I ran upstairs ready to start my homework.. God I love homework. I was vigorously writing when my favorite sister in the whole wise world plopped down on my bed. "Hey sissy" she smiled extra big. "Hey baby girl! How was school today?" "I learned my colors." "Really, wanna say em for me?" "Okay, uhh I know Wed, Gween, and Blue." I laughed. "Don't you mean Red, Green, and blue?" "I said dat" "no you didn't" "yes I did" "no you didn't" "yes I did" "no you didn't!" I jumped on her tickling her feet. She hates that. "Here comes the tickle monster" she laughed so hard her face turned red. She screamed for me to stop, but I showed no remorse. She finally laughed so hard she farted😳😂 "ewwwww, you farted in my bed!" "I told you to stop." I laughed. "Get out of my room I have to do homework" "okay see you later" "bye mel"

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