195 10 1

Person: Adam Willmont, 45, Male
Death: Sleeping Pills
Place of Death: Bedroom, Sydney Australia
Note: Typed
Found: By police after his daughter called 911

"Dear Claudia,

You win, i can't take it any longer. I know you have been waiting for this to happen. I hope this makes you very happy, this is not an easy thing to do. I've gotten to the point where there is nothing to live for. You know, a little bit of kindness from you would have changed everything, but all you've ever been interested in was a dollar.

It's pretty hard for me to do anything when you are so greedy, even with this house you couldn't be fair with that. Well, it's all yours now. You don't have to see a lawyer anymore.

You always told me i was the one who made Sharon take her life, in fact, you said i killed her. But you know deep down in you heart that you made her do what she did, and now, you have two deaths to your credit. You should feel proud.

Goodbye Kid, i love you.

Cathy, don't come in. Call your mother. She'll know what to do.



Cathy please, don't come in the bedroom."

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