Dance tips to help get better

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Okay so first of all it isin't the usual fanfic but it might be vearry helpful for all you dancers out there! so please read this if your a siriously dance.


Okay so I am going to start with something someone told me today.

I was holding the middle splits when they asked me "why are you doing that disin't it hurt" so yes it does hurt you have to work through the pain. it's not about how much it hurts its how much you want it! do you want it anought to go through the pain or are you going to stop because it hurts? if you really want it no matter how much it hurts you will do it because it matters to you because that is what you want! no mater how much it hurts me to hold my middle splits I do it not because I like the pain (stretching pain not actual I broke or puled something pain) but because it brings me closer to what I want to my dream! and that is what gets me trough the thought of my dream becoming a reality, the dream I have had from when I was little.

How did I do comment vote please!!!!!!:)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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