Chapter 2

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"Well hello there pretty brown eyes." I flirted as I walked over and swooped down beside her. I wouldn't usually just put my self out there like that but it felt right. "Um... Hi? Do I know you?" she asked confused. "Well, you see, you don't know me, but.... I would love to know you." I continued. I lowered my head and scooted closer. I lifted my eyes to see a little smile start to spread in her face. She stood up and started to walk away but still looking back. "Well what do you want to know?" She responded like a little girl with a little hint of flirting. I shot up and did a swift move to get closer to her. She was wearing a black sun dress that showed her bottle like figure."Well lets see.... well, what's your name?" I pretended like I didn't know her name so I didn't look like a creep. (I also made sure not to mention that I had a song written about her too:) "Maggie." she said said turning around to face me. "Ooo nice name." I sounded like a complete idiot. I face planted my head into the palm of my hand. "Ooo nice name? Did I really just say that? Wow girl. You've got me tongue tied." I said out loud, kinda hoping to get a laugh out of her to make up for me sounding dum. It worked, she sorta laugh-giggled, but it actually sounded like a real laugh and not some fake flirty laugh that girls do. "Okay my turn to ask a question." She continued with our little game. "Okay, shoot." I responded as we keep walking down the beach. "Okay well what's your name?" She asked. "My real name is Peter but most people call me Bruno, after Bruno mars the wrestler." I explained. "Oh so you're a wrestler?" She asked. "Haha me? No way!" I laughed. "What? Why are you nicknamed after him then?" She laughed. I turned to face her. "That's the thing! I have no clue! No clue at all." That's the weirdest thing I've ever herd." she exclaimed.
We were silent for a little taking in the beautiful sunset. Then all the sudden she turned around and stood in front if me. She had the biggest smile on her face. "Come on," she pulled my hand. "What?" I asked laughing at how goofy she was acting. "Come on!" She kept saying. "Haha what?!" I was confused but ready to go any where with her. She stared climbing some rocks nearby and sat at the top. I stood at the bottom of the rocks a watched her with my hands on my hips. "What are doing?" I yelled up. She looked down on me and replied. "Its almost midnight. I've herd this spot was the best for the fire works." She smiled down on me. I couldn't help but smile too. I started to clime up and took a seat next to her. I looked at the clock on my watch. 11: 59. Then I realized what happened at 12:00. Did she want me to kiss her? Is that why she brought me up here? I could hear everyone down on the beach start counting down. 3....2.....Should I kiss her and be seen as a creep who just meet her or the boy who can't take a hint. 1. My thoughts were stopped when her lips crashed into mine. I closed my eyes. I could feel her pull away and my eyes stayed closed. Did that really just happen? I was in shock, in a trance. I opened my eyes slowly. She was gone.

I was still in shock when I stared walking back to Jakes truck, after tripping a few times I made it. I could still not believe what happened. "Dude you okay?" I could hear Jake ask. I opened the truck door and got in. "Wooh what happened?" Lila asked as she got in the truck and sat next to me.
"She kissed me." Is all I could get out. "What!?" Phil, Jake and Lila asked in unison. "Maggie kissed me." I half smiled remembering the kiss. They all just looked at each other, with a look in their eyes. "Ok lets get this boy home he's had quite the night." I heard Jake joke as he drove away.


I walked up to the bus, on time today. Last night I didn't sleep at all so I looked like a wreck happened on my face but I couldn't wait to see Maggie.

One, two, three, steps leading up to the door. It swung open to the rows of people siting with backpacks on their laps. I scanned the rows looking for Maggie but she was nowhere. The smile that was on my face dropped slowly as I got to Phil and Jake who always sit in the back. Witch meant no Maggie. "Well nice to see you too!" Jake joked, noticing that when I saw them I frowned. "Sorry, I... I was just looking for someone." I replied lowering my eyes and taking my usual seat next to Phil. "Oh NOT just SOMEone..." Lila was sitting next to Jake. She peaked around Jake's head and widened her eyes as she exaggerated. "You were looking for Maggie the one that you supposedly kissed last night!" She rested her elbow on Jakes leg and put her head on her hand and gave me a you better start talking look. "Well really she kissed me..." I corrected. "She had to kiss you first!" Jake interrupted. "SAD!" Phil yelled. I shushed them, taking my hand and covered Phil's face. I continued my story. "I saw her so I worked my charm, and before we knew it we were sitting on the rocks and then she kissed me at midnight." I finished my story as we pulled up to school. "Ya ya that's great for you, but dude you let her kiss you first!" Jake resumed his conversation as we walked down the stairs to get out of the bus. "Uh what's wrong with that!" Lila protested. "I believe that I kissed you first." she starred him down. Then she turned to Phil as we walked up the stairs to the school. "And if you think that's SAD then good luck getting a girlfriend. she mocked him. I was shocked by how she took to guys and made them look like kindergarteners that just got put in time out. She stopped at her locker. The rest of us keep walking. "See Lila gets it." I chuckle. "Ya well she's a girl she doesn't understand." Phil defended. "Ya." Jake confirmed. "What ever." I roll my eyes. "I just wonder were she is." I tried to think of reasons she wouldn't be here. "Maybe she's sick." Jake suggested. "Maybe," I say. "but wouldn't that mean that I would be sick too?" "No, not necessarily." Phil reminded me. We probably had to of kissed more then once for me to be sick. I reached my locker. "Let me know if you see her." I sighed. "K, see ya." They walked away.

I walked over to my locker,30, 12, 13. My locker opened. "You look a mess!" A familiar voice giggled. A soft hand pushed my locker door closed a little to reveal a brunet with long curls. It was Maggie, but I almost didn't recognize her with out her beanie and hair pined back so you could see her beautiful eyes. A smile instantly flashed onto my face. she giggled at the sight of it. "Well hello, brown eyes." I seduced. I grabbed my math text book and shut my locker. I got closer to her, and leaned on the lockers."You know, the reason that I look a mess is because of you." I teased. "Me!" She laughed "Why me!" "Because... you kissed me last night." I looked into her eyes. "And it was amazing." I gave her a sly smile as I spoke. I would kiss her right then if I could. "Oh really." She leaned in closer and closed her eyes. My heart was beating out if my chest. I closed my eyes. She let out a little giggle as she pushed off the lockers and disappeared down the halls. I opened my eyes and she was gone. It felt like I was so close to heaven. Man I wanted to kiss her.


"I'm. So. Hungry." Phil pointed out for the 10th time. "Class is almost over how many more times can you say that!" I say annoyed. "A lot more." Phil teased. "Great!" I said sarcastically and roll my eyes. A high pitched noise, our schools excuse for a bell, rang. Phil popped out of his seat and ran to his locker to get his lunch. I chuckled as I walked to mine to get my lunch. He ran over and started pulling on my arm. "Come on let's go get Jake." He hurried. We walked towards Jakes locker. As we got closer we could see Jake and Lila kissing. "Lets keep going." I pushed Phil to keep going strait so they didn't see us. "Ya good idea." he confirmed.

We sat down at our usual table. I looked around for Maggie but she was nowhere. "I don't see her either." Phil said with a wink. I lowered my head and chuckled. I raised my head just as fast as I lowered it. I looked up and glanced out the cafeteria door. Lila was walking in, talking to jake. I brought my gaze back to Phil. "I'm going to go to the bathroom." Phil said as he stood up.

"Hey Bruno." Jake had a goofy smile as he sat down. "Hey what's up." I gave him a smile knowing something was up. "Oh nothing, just kissed Lila." "haha okay." kinda feeling awkward but hoping I didn't show it. "So where is Lila any way?" I said trying to change the subject. "She went to the bathroom." he replied. "Oh, so did Phil." I stated not thinking that it was at all suspicious, until ten minutes later. Neither Phil or Lila were back. "Does it usually take this long for girls to pee?" I ask staring to get suspicious. "No not this long." He replied. I could tell that he was getting suspicious too. "Come on let's go to the guys bathroom and see if Phil's in there." I suggest. "Ya, let's go."

We walked down the hallways past a few offices and the ladies bathroom. We got to the men's, pushed the door open walked towards the stalls. "I don't see him. Do you?" I ask looking at the bottom of the stalls where your feet would be. No respond from jake. "Jake?" I shout. I start walking over to the showers and lockers, where I thought I had seen him go. I turned the corner. There he stood frozen. slowly I looked beyond him, and there I stood now frozen. I couldn't believe what I saw. Phil and Lila were making out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2014 ⏰

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