The Unproposal

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As rumple waited for her in the cold he paced back and fourth with his hands shoved into his pant pockets. His breath was visible to the human eye as he took slow anxious breaths.

Belle came up to him and smiled watching him pace and becoming nervous instantly. What if he was about to end it? She loved him. As she got closer she spoke hesitantly "hey." Belle smiled

As she spoke a smile spread across rumples face as he walked closer to her placing a hand on her cheek and looking down into her beautiful eyes that reminded him of the ocean immediately spreading warmth throughout my body "hey angle"

She closed her eyes to his touch, it was something beyond describable. Belle smiled back hearing his voice wondering what was so urgent that they come out here for.

Rumple could tell she was curious. He was slowly building the confidence to ask her. He had been carrying this ring around for 2 months and now, he thought he was ready. Rumple began to speak "belle,-" he paused becoming nervous

Belle could tell he was worried about something and the way he spoke it concerned her as well. "Yes?" She asked hoping he would rip the bandage off quickly

"I-" this was harder than he thought, rumple froze in thought not knowing what to say and just blurted it out "I love you" he frowned a bit. That was not what he wanted to say, but he couldn't do it.

Belle sighed softly and smiled looking at him and slowly wrapping my arms around his waist "I love you too babe." She smiled back, her eyes meeting his.

Rumple wished more than anything he could just say it. All morning he had rehearsed what he was going to say. As she hugged him, he placed his hands on her back rubbing it softly in a circular motion.

Belle felt his hands which calmed my entire body. She quickly pulled away to cup her hands over her tiny nose and let out a quiet sneeze before pulling back to him "excuse me" she muttered. It was freezing, she couldn't tell if she had caught something or her body as telling her to get warm.

He felt her pull away and watched as her small self sneeze. She had the most adorable sneeze He'd ever heard. She was elegant with whatever she did but her sneezes were just adorable. Rumple embraced her and looked down "god bless you angle" he whispered "Why dont we just go inside?" He suggested not wanting her to get sick

Belle heard him and nodded listening to his sweet words and took his hand following him back to his car, since she didn't own one. She road the bus everywhere and she actually became friends with him.

Rumple brought her to his car and opened the door for her still disappointed he could muffle the courage to ask the big question. After she got in, he did and they drove to class together, His hand on her lap, and her small hand on top of his as they watched the road.

He still seemed a bit off but as belle got into the car she made sure he knew that she loved him. And off to class they headed, the icy cold air, the warm love they shared, it was perfect. If only it could stay this way.

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