Yuma's Jump

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Long trials of sweat ran down Yuma's light tanned face, while his legs; exhausted and tingling painfully; moving as fast as he could. If it wasn't for the adrenalin rushing through his blood he would already collapsed from exhaustion.

"Oh Yumaaaa. Come out, come out where ever you areee." A cold woman voice called out playfully.

When Yuma heard how near the voice sounded he pushed the last reserve of energy for one last spring.

"You can't hide from me Yuma. I have never lost my prey and I am not intending to lose one now."

Yuma shook his head as he tried to lose his follower. /How could this be? This wasn't supposed to happen. All i wanted was to be with him./


Yuma heard the portal humming softly in front of him, the bright while like shining in his eyes. Behind his he heard sounds of snuffling and crying of his friends which made it only more difficult for him. Still he understood them as he too was filled with grief and sadness.

He looked at Astral as the blue skinned alien smiled at him gently. Yuma wanted to smile to but he feared that his smile would be a fake, which wouldn't be fair against Astral.

Yuma couldn't believe it was all over after so many years of partnership.

The fought together, the overcome obstacles together, they laughed and cried together. Those moments have strengthened the bond between them to an unbreakable chain.

The young teenager had always known that there will be a time that they will defeat the Barians, saving Astral world from annihilation and restoring Astral's memories. He also knew that After Astral's mission was over that the blue alien would go home. But now that the time has come he wished that the spirit could stay for just a little bit longer.

It was now Yuma's turn to say his goodbye. And just like his friends Yuma had very hard, not only did he see his partner leave he also felt a piece of his heart leave with it.

What first started an involuntary partnership turned into true friendship, but Yuma felt his caring for Astral grew into something stronger than friendship. It was after Astral was destroyed by III that Yuma realized something. Empty and alone he cried Astral's name while he felt his whole world collapse. Yuma finally understood that he didn't just deeply care about Astral but love him. His thoughts was confirmed when he felt his heart whole again after he revived Astral from the dead with the help of III'S crest.

Only...Yuma never had the courage to show his feeling towards the blue alien. Instead he decided to hide his love in fear of destroying and losing their friendship. Yuma preferred just to remain friends than to lose the only close connection he has with Astral.

Yuma wanted nothing more for the spirit to stay with him. But he didn't want to force Astral to remain here since he knew how hard Astral wished to return home, to where he was born and where his friends and family lived.

He should be happy, right? Astral finally could go home. So why was it hurting so much?

"I presume this is the final moment between us Yuma." Astral said very calmly and although his voice was steady his face showed that he too felt very emotional about his departure.

"I-I just can't believe that you're really leaving." Yuma sniffed.

Astral smiled warmly to his young partner. "We all knew this wasn't going to last forever Yuma."

"Yeah, I-I know that, It's j-just...I didn't t-think that...that." Yuma saw his vision blurred from the tears in his eyes that he was trying to hold back.

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