Chapter 26

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Henry suddenly walked in and coughed. “I felt the tension in here..”

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. “I wish I could hit you with a door right now.”

Henry frowned, “Hey! Why me?!”

“Because you ruined my chances of killing Harry.” I spoke sarcastically, actually wanting to hit Henry with a door. Just because I felt like it.

Suddenly the door to the room ripped off the hinges and hit Henry, sending him flying across the room.

“Holy shit-“

“HAHAHAHAH!” I burst out laughing and fell to my knees.

“UHM OW.” Henry groaned throwing the door out of his way.

“Looks like we’ll need a new door…” Harry mumbled.

Henry dusted himself off. “Wait a second.” He spoke.

I raised an eye brow and realized what I had done. “TELEKINESIS!” Henry screamed. “HOW COOL.”

I laughed forgetting all the problems  that surrounded my new life and looked over at a lamp. I focused and the lamp lifted into the air and sent it flying towards Harry. Harry jumped out of the way quickly before the lamp shattered against the wall.

“Seriously?!” Harry said.

I giggled, “I like this power. I could use it for great things…”

“Oh no. It’s getting to her.” Henry groaned.

“Oh hush-“

“What the hell is- WOAH. The door…is gone…” Louis spoke wide eyed.

“Harry?” Louis asked looking at him. Harry shook his head and pointed at me. “She’s a royal.” He told Louis. Louis raised an eyebrow, frowned but suddenly smiled. “That’s awesome!” He said. “Could you show me something?” Louis asked.
Soon everyone was in the room interested in my power. “Damn man, I haven’t seen anything so interesting since Eleanor's power came to be.” Liam said wide eyed.

“Remember we used to harm ourselves on purpose just to see how Eleanor’s power worked?” Niall asked with a laugh.

“Like when Louis jumped off the cliff and broke his legs?” Zayn laughed.

I shook my head, “Boys are idiots…”

“Got that right.” Eleanor sighed.

“HEY!” The boys all yelled.

“Don’t make me throw the table at you.” I warned.

“I won’t heal you guys either.” Eleanor smirked.

I high fived Eleanor and we looked back at them. “Guys, I feel like a prisoner in my own home.” Zayn cried.

I laughed evilly and all the boys left but Henry and Harry.

Henry sighed, “Well its getting late. I should get going. I’ll see you all tomorrow. We should go hunting.” He looked at me, smiled, and then he vanished.

Harry’s hand found mine and he squeezed it tightly.  

I sighed. “Arranged marriage.” I mumbled under my breath.
“Don’t worry Aliah, I’ll fix things I promise. Even if it kills me.”
“WAKE UP EVERYONE! I HAVE GOOD NEWS!” Liam yelled from the hallway, banging on all of the doors as loud as possible.

I groaned and got out of bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and slowly walking out of my room and into the hallway where the others were looking exactly how I was. Tired and angry from being woken up.

We all gathered on the couches and stared at Liam. He couldn’t control his excitement.

“It’s time for a nice ol’ vacation boys and girls!” Liam spoke happily.

“Vacation?” I asked yawning.
“Yup! We’re going camping! I secretly packed everyone bags.”

“Babe, it’s early to be up right now. It’s twelve o’clock in the evening!” Danielle whined. The blinds behind us casted a shadow of the sunlight outside.

“Oh come on guys! Let’s live like humans again! Just for a few days! Camping will be fun!”

Harry’s snores were then heard as his head was against my shoulder. I pushed him off and he woke up. “Wha?” He spoke, his eyes halfway open.

“Anyway, time to go! Get ready everyone! Up up up!” Liam spoke.

“He sounds like a twentieth century mother. Too happy and way too ethusiatic.” Harry mumbled.

“To be honest, maybe camping isn’t that bad. I mean yeah now that I’m a vampire now, sunlight may be one of my least favorite things but hey, at least it won’t kill us.” I shrugged speaking to Harry after everyone had showered and put on clothes.

“I really don’t appreciate being woken up for some human field trip.”

“Oh cut the shit Harry, it could be fun.” Zayn spoke walking outside with a large cooler with what I’m guessing was our food.

Harry rolled his eyes and got into the car first. I followed as everyone else was in. Liam had rented a black van with tinted windows.

Liam you smart fella.

“TO CAMPING AND AWAYYYYYY!” Louis spoke suddenly loud.

“Louis, hush.” Eleanor spoke, her eyes closed.

I shook my head and watched the scenery roll by before being lulled back to sleep with the movement of the van.

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