Death-Wishes backstory and update

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You know how when a foal unicorn gets really powerful urges of magic? Well, when Death-Wish was born, her parents knew she was special, her mothers name was Esmeralda, and she was a zebra from an unknown land, and she was a caring mother who stayed at home to take care of her daughter while her husband, Dark Harmony, went to work as a hitman for Princess Luna.

Esmerelda had neon pink hair with faded black stripes, she had many markings on her face and legs meaning cymbals from her homeland, she wears five black earrings, including a gage which she gives to her daughter for her first birthday, but Death-Wish didn’t pierce her own ears until she was 10. Esmerelda also has distinctive felinistic eyes, one eye blue, and one green, she also has a nose ring that was passed down to her from her own mother. Her cutie mark is a traditional white skull with a light blue heart behind it.

Dark Harmony made a living as being a hitman for Princess Luna, what Luna does is sends him after creatures that would tend to be a threat to anypony, any unknown creatures that have made it into equestria to capture them for her to study, and to kill any pony she believes necessary, he wants Death-Wish to follow in his hoofprints, and she does. Dark Harmony has a neon green coat with a dark grey mane with a green stripe, his tail is the same but with a gold ring around it, which he gives Luna and requested it to be given to Death-Wish when she becomes a hitman. His cutie mark is a sword casting a shadow of a musical note. He has a black stripe on both of his hind legs, and wears a chain earring, he later gives it to Death-Wish for her second birthday. He has a slightly curved horn with a black faded tip, and bright blue eyes.

Back to the powerful urges of magic, when playing in the park as a filly, Wishes parents had a picnic date for themselves while their daughter plays with the other fillies. But this one filly by the name of Heat Streak, stopped in front of Death-Wish refusing to let her pass and continue her game, he started saying stuff like, “your a freak, you don't get to play with us regular fillies.” and “your mother shouldn't have the right to be here, she isn't normal.” All of these things being said to her made her angry, and before she knew it, her eyes had a red ring around the iris, and her whites of her eyes were blue, and she had red and green smoke coming from her eyes and her hair was a mess, she charged at Heat, and impaled him with her horn in his front leg, she lifted him up off of the ground with her horn still in his leg, she looked into his soul, and said “looks like you have a death wish…” then, an explosion came from her horn, and everything went white.

When Death-Wish awoke from the explosion, she found herself in a hospital bed, confused, she left the hospital and went to her house, when she got inside she started to look for her parents, but they were nowhere to be found, being 7, she had no idea what to do, so she went back to the park. When she got there, there was a gigantic hole in the ground, and the tree that was once there was gone, she went over to the pond and looked at her own reflection, when she looked at herself, she saw something on her flank, she went to look at it, and she had her cutie mark! She was so excited she ran around town looking for her parents to tell them the exciting news, but as she ran by the new tv store, she saw what was on and it caught her eye.

“A tragic accident has happened today, some eyewitnesses said they saw a huge explosion and ran over to where the explosion had happened, when they arrived, they saw what appeared to be five dead bodies, two adults, one male and one female, and three fillies, one male and two female, one female filly by the name of Death-Wish was found unconscious with a dismembered hoof on her horn, police say they don't know what happened, but once the surviving filly wakes up, they are going to ask questions…”

Death-Wish immediately ran away remembering what had happened, what she did, she ran away into the everfree forest, with tears in her eyes, she ran into a cave, and fell from exhaustion. When she woke, it was dark outside, she made the decision to go back to her old house to get some things, she knew if she ever showed her face in public again, she’ll be taken, and treated terribly.

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