Disturbing Truths

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A/N: Haven't changed much, just the grammar.

Disclaimer: I do not own the How To Train Your Dragon series or Brave.

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Chapter 1: Disturbing Truths


"Oh darling, you look absolutely beautiful." Queen Elinor of DunBroch stood in the same room Merida had used for the first time the clans visited, all those years ago but this time, her similar dress was a startling silver, embroidered in Celtic symbols with grey tartan hems.

"Thank you, mother. I am...very happy." Merida replied in a careful tone, much cowed over the years by a realization that no matter how wild and rebellious she was, her fate as a princess was sealed and she had to abide by the treaty the clans had made, lest the failings of the past be repeated. In a swell of emotion, she lunged forward and hugged her ageing mother around the neck and forced a smile for Eleanor's sake.

What spark the red-haired lady once possessed was now an ember in the ashes of a once roaring fire, stifled by tradition. A tear slipped from her bright eyes, having sacrificed her freedom for her family's safety. The 'bear incident' was not to happen ever again, Merida would rather die than let her own desires be the bane of the DunBroch lineage.

The queen had assumed that her daughter was merely nervous, as she was definitely not the sort of person to enjoy formal occasions. After all, Merida had agreed to marry a beneficial suitor - Douglas Macintosh, who was the younger brother of the leader's heir Merida had been presented to during the Highland Games. She knew she had to go through an allied wedding, or the clans would grow impatient once more and declare war - the kingdom would fall, to chaos and ruin, just as Merida's mother had warned.

"I'll go get your father, darling. Just wait here." Queen Elinor told her daughter, who quickly obeyed the request. Once the queen had left and shut the door, Merida was left standing in the preparation room. Now, she was able to cry - if anyone got suspicious, she'd just tell them they were 'tears of joy'.

She had to sacrifice her happiness and freedom for her people.

Tears fell from her eyes and left tracks down her cheeks. Merida chocked back strangled sobs, for she did not wish for anyone to hear her despair and get suspicious or ask any questions. She sighed when she glanced around the room, and spotted her reflection. She looked just as she had at the Highland Games, except her dress was white to represent purity and innocence - the exact opposite of her true personality. She studied the room, and drank in every detail as she had done with all of the others inside DunBroch castle, for Merida knew that she might not ever come back, holed up with a husband she must obey and breed children for like a mare.

Suddenly, her muffled sobs stopped, when her curious eyes spotted a chest draped in old cloths and blankets - it was covered in dust. This room was locked entirely until a royal wedding occurred, and considering how rare those occasions were, Merida was sure that the objects in here were very important to her parents. So, she raised herself from her pitiful, defeated position upon the floor and dragged her feet towards the wooden, seemingly simple chest. Merida held her breath when her shaky hands went to open it, and a small, genuine smile graced her lips for the first time in months.

She looked inside the chest, and only found a letter that had been opened, with a blood-red seal still intact and cracked from age. And when she read the contents of the letter, she knew she could not go through with the wedding.


When the door opened, Merida quickly gathered herself and glared at her surprised mother.

"Merida, what on earth are you - oh! I...I,' the Queen faltered when her eyes trailed from the letter in her defensive looking daughter's hands to the once forgotten chest that stood with its lid flung open, the dusty curtain and cloths had fallen around it in a pile of material.

'You...you liar! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you I - w - what conceived you to even do such a thing?' Merida thundered, drawing herself to her full height. Her fists were balled tight, knuckles red raw. Her cheeks had tinged as bright as her hair, and her eyes filled with a sense of seething bloodlust that made her 'mother' remain rooted to the spot in front of the door she'd just closed upon entry.

"Merida, I can explain. It's not our fault...we were, at war with the Vikings. One of the soldiers that had infiltrated a land had captured one of the Viking leader's newborn babies, and suggested to Fergus that it be used as a ransom for surrender. We...we needed a child, Fergus and I were desperate. For years I believed myself to be barren after a childhood incident before the triplets were born, we were so desperate Merida, we couldn't send you away, you were wrapped around Fergus' finger the moment you were presented to him." The Queen sobbed, anguished for her family, her adoptive daughter and the entire kingdom - for surely, Merida had no reason to wed now. But Elinor was sure Merida loved Douglas...she had to! What about their various trips? The sweet love letters? It was...so completely uncharacteristic of Merida that Eleanor felt like smashing her head against the stone wall for falling for it.

Of course, she did this all for me, for our family.

"So...I'm a Norsewoman?" Merida whispered, her face ashen, having heard tales of brutal pirates that plundered Scottish lands - raping and murdering their way through any Celt unfortunate enough to cross their path.

"Yes. Your father is Stoic the Vast, a warrior and Chief of a distant land named Berk - your mother is his wife, Valka. They have a son, Hiccup - he is your older brother." The Queen revealed with a pained expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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