- Part 9 -

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You waited for Lisa, then few minutes you saw her. You quickly wiped off your tears.
Lisa: Oh y/n-ah!?!! A-are you okay?! You seem like you were crying on the phone......
Y/N: Huh?! Aaah... Ahahah ANI! ANI!
Lisa: Are you sure?! Your eyes are red tho!!.....
Y/N: O-oh.. Aah..... A tiny speck of dust was making my eyes itchy so yeah!
Lisa: Oh.... Ah.. Y/N-
Y/N: Let's just go home!

You and Lisa were finally home. You first take a quick half bath and changed into comfortable clothes. Then fell asleep.

Lisa's POV
I was going to give her the gift that Jimin had told me to give it but she was quick. And I think it was not the right time to give to her on the parking lot because she seems like she's not okay. But tomorrow, I'll leave her a note and with the gift.

You woke up by the sun shining your face. You did some few stretches and turn off the lamp, when you saw a note and a "bag"(the gift is not a bag).
Y/N: Hm???! What's this???!

You open the note and read it.
So, as you can see there's a bag there right?! Actually, i was gonna give that to you yesterday at the parking lot but..... I don't think you were in a good mood at that time, so I decided to give it today. That gift isn't mine tho, it's from him, Jimin. I think I'm not the only one who remember your birthday *wink*! Well, better open that up! Looks like it's very luxurious!

You were shocked at first but feel relieved. You couldn't believe this gift is from Jimin. You put the note down and slowly open the gift.
Y/N: OMO! I can even smell the scent of the mall from this bag.

After taking out the paper stuffing, you saw a box and opened it. Your eyes got teary.
Y/N: How can he still r-remember??!!

It was a necklace with a piece of puzzle pendant. When you two were still together, puzzle was your symbol of love. Before he left you, he promised you to buy you a necklace puzzle, but after he left you guess he totally forgot everything he promised. NOW, you realize that he didn't. You looked at the precious necklace.
Y/N: Ya! Pabo! Stop confusing me!

You thought of not wearing the necklace because he might see it and thought that you still have feelings for him.  So you just decided to put it in your pocket and wear it after school.

You did your usual routine and went off to school. Lisa drive you. You stepped out from the car and gave Lisa a goodbye wave. You decided to not to go straight to your class because you don't want to see his face. So you just went to the field. There was no students just you and you were happy.
A fresh air hit your face and it made your mind clearer.
Y/N: *sighs* This is what I called life... Where no one can ruin you FOREVER!!!
You shouted the last word.
Y/N: I just wanted to have a GOOD AND PEACE YEAR HERE!!!!
You shouted the last word again.

You let out a heavy sigh but when you turn around there was two unknown guys. Luckily you didn't froze.
Y/N: W-who are you??!
???: Oh sorry if we scared you! Am... I'm Taehyung and this is Hobi.
Y/N: Oh.... Uh....... Hello?!
Hobi: We were wondering why you sound so mad when you shouted some words!!! Why??! Is someone bothering you??!!
Y/N: Oh... Uh... Well... Yeah *sighs*
Taehyung: Who is it??!
Y/N: And why should I tell you?!!!
Taehyung: Because we are secret keepers, comforter, and easy to talk to if you have problems!

Both of them let out a cheerful smile. You thought they were nice and comfortable to be with.
Y/N: Are you sure??!! Do you have any license or certificate to prove what you've said!!!

Both of them laugh, making you giggle a bit too. You've never been so comfortable around guys.
Y/N: I'm just kidding....!
Hobi: Please tell us!..... And if you don't mind,,...... We want you to be our friend!!!!!
Y/N: Ugh! Okay fine! So........

They cheered so happily and you told them everything you've been. After their eyes was SHOOK! o.o
Taehyung: J-jimin?!
Y/N: Yeah?! Why?! Do you know him?!
Hobi: W-well... Yeah!
Y/N: W-what?! S-so you guys are best friends?!
Hobi: Yeah!
Y/N: W-wait! Am i still safe around you guys?! Cuz maybe you guys will tell him OR DID HE TOLD YOU TO SPY ON ME????!!!!
Taehyung: N-NO!!! Of course not! We didn't even know that it was you he was talki-

Hobi covered Taehyung's mouth before he could reveal anything.
Y/N: Why are you stopping him?!
Hobi: B-because.......... But first dont let him know that we said this to you okay?!
Y/N: Why would I?! I'll never gonna talk about him!
Hobi: Good! So, back in high school after you guys broke up, he never stops telling us about you that how much he regrets it. He have to do the arrange marriage for the company. After that he became a playboy and a trouble maker. You know Seulgi right?! The one he's arranged with?!
Y/N: Yeah that bitch!
Hobi: Okay! Taehyung your turn to speak!
Taehyung: So, actually Jimin has a crush on her and she does too, he even visit to her house.... even you two were still in a relationship..... He literally changed.......

You just can't really believe what they said, but you have to because they were his friends. You were shocked hearing those words. After all those years you both have been he had been lying to you!
Hobi: y/n... Just let it out!

You couldn't hold your tears anymore so you cried on Hobi's shoulder. Then Taehyung patted your shoulders.
Taehyung: It's okay y/n we'll protect you...!
Y/N: He's such an asshole! I can't believe I've been fooled buy that idiot!

Bomi was looking for you and she saw you on the field with two guys. She got mad because she thought those guys hurt you. Then she ran towards you!
Y/N: It's okay Bomi! They didn't hurt me or anything....
Bomi: Then why are you crying?!!!
Hobi: We told her about Jimin.....
Bomi: Pabo! So you guys must be Jimin's friends huh?!..... Y/n you're not safe around these minions because they know Jimin and if Jimin find out about you that know them..... Ugh disaster!!!!!
Hobi: YA! This girl! And why would we even tell him about her?! Huh?!

Bomi got pissed and started hitting him.
Bomi: Aish! This guy have no respect! Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!

You and Taehyung just laughed looking those two so cute! =.= Then he apart them from each other.
Taehyung: Aish! These- Are you guys kids?!
Bomi|Hobi: NO!
Taehyung: Then stop arguing!

Bomi and Hobi gave each other a death glare and look away.

To be continued.......................

So this part is revealing Jimin's friends which are Taehyung and Hobi! I hope you guys are excited of what gonna happen next! 😊😁😁
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