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Hey... I said USUALLY...

Soooo... Crobby.
Does anyone else remember the response someone, I think it was Sam (correct me if I'm wrong), asked why Bobby didn't go to heaven?

"If the king of hell wants you there, then you're on a trip to hell" or something along those lines. But, that means Crowley wanted/needed Bobby there. And when they went to save him and bring him to heaven, he didn't look to upset about being where he was... (grateful, yes. Traumatized or rather—extremely—upset, not quite.)

The ship is real.

(I could just be forgetting things, BUT I CHECKED MY FACTS WITH A FRIEND WHO, admittedly—sadly—WATCHES MORE THAN ME SO... yeah)

Speculations of a Fangirl (Usually at 12 am...)Where stories live. Discover now