small town big thoughts

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"pretty sky huh?" Finn asked millie "very" millie said resting her head on Finn shoulder "but not as pretty as you" Finn said "really wolfhard" millie said rising her eyebrow "what?" Finn said shrugging his shoulders "hey why don't we rome the meadow?" millie said "you mean go past it" Finn said "yea" "no millie we cant" Finn said "oh come on it will be fun" millie said standing up "I'm going to go pack ok" millie said "its not travel millie" Finn said getting up "ok but i will get the stuff we need" millie said 


"are you ready guys" millie asked 

"yes but what made you think of this" sadie asked 

"sadie this stupid camp is really boing I'm sure a lot of ideas were going though my mind" millie said 

"ok but when will we be back?" jack asked 

"maybe in a week" millie said 

"WHAT no your crazy" noah said 

millie laghed "guys I'm kidding we will figure it out" millie said 

they climbed the gate and safely went over,they were walking along the meadow hoping to find a small town or something to get away from that camp.they finally came to a stop and down the hill it was a small town "cool lets go" millie said walking down the hill,they began walking and they stopped in front a burger joint that read "bennys burgers". they walked in and the sound of the jingle made people look at them,they looked around and saw every one staring "take a picture it will last longer" millie said,then with that every one looked away.they took a seat in a booth close to them "hey how can i help you kids" a very tall man said approaching them "oh um we don't really have any money" millie said "oh well how about you guys can have one thing on the house" benny said "wow really" Finn said,benny shook his head "thanks" sadie said,benny brought 5 burgers "thanks man" jack said "don't mention it" benny said walking away 

"glad we don't have to eat that crapy food back at camp" millie said 

"it wasn't that bad" sadie said

"well it was to me thats why i never ate it" millie said taking a bite out of her burger 

"hey millie want to dance?" Finn asked 

"you don't have to ask me twice" millie said getting up 

Finn and millie walked over to the boom box over by the counter "got some money?" Millie asked,Finn reached in his pocket and pulled out some dimes "will this do?" He asked handing them to her,the song "should I stay or should I go" began to play,Millie backed away from Finn "darling you've got to let me know" Millie said swaying her hips "should I stay or should I go" Finn sand back "and if you say that you are mine" Millie sang motioning her finger so Finn can come to her "i'll be her till the end of time" Finn said putting his hands on her waist "so come on and let's me know" Millie said shoving him playfully "should I stay or should I go" Millie said swaying her hips again
"That was fun" Sadie said as they walked around the small town "yea" they said in sync "we should go back" noah said "yea we don't have any were to sleep" jack said "your right lets go" millie said.they walked up the hill and started making their way to the camp "hey Finn can i talk to you" millie asked "yea sure whats up" Finn said "um well when uh camp is um over how will we see each other?" millie said "oh uh i never really thought of it" Finn said "I'm sure we with figure it out" Finn added

 "no Finn i need to know now i want to be with you forever i love you a lot Finn you were my first love, my summer crush and when summer is all over i don't know if i will see you again and Finn i just want to be with you" millie said breaking in to tears "hey millie its going to be fine ok we will be with each other forever" Finn said,millie kept sobbing "hey,its going to be alright" Finn said kissing her on the head.

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