LivIng with my brothers best friend

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***im sorry!!! I havent posted in forever! Ive been on vaction! SrysrySRY please don't hate meh! Thanks for all the support! Please vote and comment:)*** Clay POV I got in my sweet pimp car and drove home. Like i said before . . . School sucks without her. ***Clay and Bella live in the same neighborhood ;P*** -in neighborhood:)- I drove past bellas house wearily begging myself to countinue driving. i ended up knocking on the door. Hey dont judge me! I just really like her geez! Ugh. There was no answer:( Was she mad at me? Ha! Always!!!!! Should i just go in? I asked myself aloud. (..) knock one more time! ^..^ dont listen to that pansey! (..) its polite! ^..^ come one! Just do it ! (..) :( i knocked on the door. Again there was no answer. So i just went inside! (..) ha!! ^..^ this isnt over...... "hey uh.... Anyone home???" No answer. "babe? Haha that should make her scream!!! All i heard was a moan. What the hell? I began walking into the room when i saw her laying on the floor, she was covers in cuts and bruises. I immetadly freaked. " bella!!" i screamed rushin over to her limp body. I checked her pulse Thumpthump. Thump. Thump Good she was alive. I picked you up and put her over my shoulder. She is coming to my house till she wakes up. I hope shes okay. I opened the front door and began walking to my house. I went pat my living room to the stairs and then went to my room. Hr cloths were really dirty. Caked with dried blood. Okay....p Um lets... Get her cleaned up. I began to take off her shirt. But when i saw her black laced bra.....NO!!!! I could not do this. I pulled her shirt down and went down stairs to get somthin to eat. Bella POV My eyes snapped open to see that i was in sombody elses house. Omfg! Was i kidnapped? I screamed as loud as i could. "ahhhhh! I do not want to be raped ahhhhhhh sombody save me ahhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!" i know im pathtic but what have you done? Exactly. I heard some one coming up the stairs whitch scared me even more. " ahhh!" i rolled of the bed and on to the floor. I crawled over to the closet and hid. The door then burst open. "bella?!" said a very framilar voice. Wait? Was that Clay? Haha im retarted. I opened the closet and scooted out calmly. He stared at me. "you called" i say in my very sirious tone. He just continued staring. "sorry i screamed i thought u would rape me." He stops staring and helps. Me up. Then i did the crazity thing. I kissed him. WAIT.... I KISSED HIM! Omg WERE MAKING OUT . I LIKE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crap.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2010 ⏰

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