1st December 1942

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I think they're gone now. All is silent now, the horrifying sound of bombs had been sounded for over three hours now and my ears throb and my limbs ache from shaking. Soon enough the all clear siren should go and we can go back inside. By we I mean my two sisters Marianne and Genevieve and my mum. Dad had left to fight in the war with my 20 year old brother Tom a year ago today.

Unfortunately the all clear siren hasn't gone yet, though there is no bombs now. I'm sure it is all over now, the war, everything.

My gosh!!! I wish I hadn't said that! Just a few seconds ago we heard a whooshing sound and a sort of explosion.
Dangit! I just put a line through the whole entry as the sound of the all clear siren sounded and it caught me completely unaware.

We got out of the shelter, me, mum, Marianne and Genevieve, and looked around us. The sight nearly choked me. Our neighbour, a kind elderly lady named Miss Smithers who was the grandmother of my friend Rosimae, who got evacuated, was stepping out of her shelter slowly, as her zimmer frame was holding her back a bit, and at the same time staring at her used to be house.

Her house used to be a beautiful Tudor house, one of the oldest here at Ambrose Road, with a beautiful brass lion knocker. Now it was a pile of rubble with flames flickering in odd places.

Just then another siren sounded and I jumped, thinking it was the air raid siren. But it was the fire fighters coming. They rushed in wth hoses and put out the fire in a matter of seconds. They gave Miss Smithers a blue blanket and a mug of hot chocolate and talked to her. 'Now, ma'am, you have no where to live, your house was destroyed.' said a firefighter, stating the obvious.

'You're going to have to come with us to the church, where all the other people who have lost their homes are,' the firefighter said. My mum cut in then. 'Shes is not going to any church for the now homeless! She will be staying with us, in our house. Since old Tom went to fight with Charlie in the war we've had a spare room.' she said, glaring at the firefighter.

The firefighter gestured at our house. 'Haha miss, you haven't realised that half of your ruddy house has actually blown apart?' he said. That took us by surprise. We hadn't realised That our OWN house had been destroyed too. 'Dad!!!' Genevieve cried, running into the half damaged house. 'What the hell are you doing???' I said, running after her.

A bomb dropped that minute, just on our house, and for this day that's all I can remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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