Odd reception.

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How did this happen again?

She couldn't help but gag at the heavily scented flower crown that was placed on her mass of braided strawberry colored hair by a cohort with bored condolences.

A procession of music was played by the azure headed and eyed seamstress whom mumbled under her breath about the wasting of talent. This was obscure. Petals crunched beneath her feet as she walked towards the awaiting mistress whom made a scene of everything.

Her amber hair had to be intricately woven through golden straps and silken gown adorned with costly jewels. Not to mention the overly bright tones which clashed with everything.

Amu rolled her golden hued eyes in annoyance, this was like she was being accepted into some sort of harem.

Everyone else looked like they'd rather be dead than do this as well, both Kukai and Ikuto were literally chained to either side of Sayaa. Yep, forced harem.

Amu kneeled before Sayaa, yes kneeled like she were some sort of royalty. She couldn't help but wonder if this day could get any worse as the cool breeze sent a shiver up her spine.

Sayaa looked upon her with a smug grin, tugging at the chain also fastenened to Ikuto's wrist. He rolled his eyes in discontempt and no so cordially tossed her a tiny scepter.

Oh dear lord.

Amu mentally face palmed as she began to speak in her high pitched voice laced with fake femenism.

This could totally get worse.

"I, the great Yamabuki Sayaa, first daughter of the Yamabuki household, lead you in the undeniable pledge to soerve me body and soul. To always be loyal and never question my fabulous actions of fabulousness."

She tapped the little scepter on each of Amu's petite shoulders in satisfaction.

Amu just stared at her in complete surprise and disbelief. What was with her demented mind.

A pledge of eternal alligence. Was that even required.

The pinkette tried to stall. She sensed the misery of the others especially Sayaa's two 'pets'.

"Um..etto.." She mumbled.

Sayaa looked exteremely impaitient.

"Toy number two!" She yelled yanking on Kukai's chain harshly which caused him to grunt.


"Get me the tool of persuasion." Her scratchy voice was nerve wracking as poor Kukai scrambled off to get the tool of persuasion.

This should be enjoyable.

On second thought, not.

A few minutes later the flustered brunette appeared, shoving the envelope into Sayaa's perfectly manicured hands.

"Thank you my toy." Sayaa pursed her lips to look endearing but instead just looked like she'd eaten a sour candy.

Kukai gagged along with Ikuto as they exchanged looks of disgust.

Clearly there was nothing endearing about her endearment.

She smirked haughtily as she held up the contents of the envelope.

Pictures that had obviously been taken in secret due to their odd angles or an object blocking the corner.

Ones of Ikuto, Nagi and Kukai.

Sleeping ones, working ones, basically them just doing random stuff and looking hot while doing them.

The mistress was a stalker.

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