In What We Believe

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September, the beginning of Autumn. The time when the weather becomes cooler, nights longer and the leaves change from fresh green to warm tones of amber, gold and red.

September, also the time of year most students dread - the return to school following Summer break. This is the time of year however, that I have been looking forward to since I was accepted to the University of Morgannog. As of this day I, Kali Morgan, am officially a 3rd year student in social science. In 10months I will graduate and hopefully gain an apprenticeship with the city's social services.

'Beep beep beep' a car horn blasted demanding attention. Grabbing my bag, I quickly make my way out of my room and down the stairs and into the kitchen. Standing at the counter, my mother is pouring hot water into my travel mug. "Morning Honey, I've made you a coffee to go. You all excited for today?" My mother asks with a bright smile on her flawless porcelain face. My mother and I are like carbon copies of each other. Large, round sky blue eyes, fair complexion and glossy black hair. The exceptions being our ages, obviously, and our hair styles, hers, a chin length bob, mine flows freely down passed my shoulders like a river over a waterfall.

"Ah, thanks mam, that's great, just what I need! It's hard to believe that this is the final year, it's gone so fast." I take my bright blue and yellow striped travel mug from my mam's outstretched hand and place a quick kiss on the cheek. " I've got to run, Emmy is already waiting outside. I hastily make my way towards the front door, grabbing my leather jacket I hear my mam chuckling lightly and calls out, "Your time keeping is still a work in progress I see! Oh we'll then, best of luck for today!"

Running down the paved driveway, juggling my coffee bag and jacket, I see Emmy, my best friend, tapping her watch as if to make a point of my tardiness. I open the back door and drop my bag and jacket on the back seat before closing the door and sliding into the front passenger seat.

"Morning Emms, sorry I'm late.." I start to make my apologies when Emma bursts out laughing...

" Don't worry, I knew you would be late, so I made sure to arrive 10minutes earlier just so we would be on time for once!!"

"Great, thanks for the vote of confidence Emm" I complain, slightly annoyed. Emmy giggles again as she pulls the car out of the drive and heads towards the University campus.

Pulling into the campus car park, 20 minutes later, the place is a swarm of activity, there are motorcycles and cars revving their engines and beeping their horns. Groups of students all mingling around discussing who knows what.

The tall white washed main lecture building stands at the far end of the car park, flanked on both sides by smaller, less impressive buildings containing the sports hall and canteen. The student union club and the library are situated towards the centre. Student accommodation dances on the outskirts of campus, climbing steadily up the side of the green valley.

Emmy and myself share a knowing look before exiting the car and making our way to the general office.

"This semester is going to be the best yet!" exclaimed Emmy excitedly "Not only are we 3rd years and we have a right of way in all clubs, we also have the best parties to plan and attend!"

"Ah, yea, lets see, there's the Halloween party and the Christmas Ball, oh and theres our Graduation Ball too!!!!" I add with a hint of sarcasm. "Doesn't really leave much room for actual course work and studying though, does it??"

Emmy shoots me a waring look and I grin widely "Sounds like this years definitely gonna be great!!" We both start laughing and make our way to the office.

As we enter the small, overly cramped and cluttered room, there are students hanging around discussing timetables and not surprising parties! I squeeze my small 5' 2ins body passed a few, louder than necessary, boys to reach the main desk. A very thin and fragile looking woman is waiting for us.

"Hi, um, im looking for the timetable and lesson plans for year three Social Sciences please?" I ask slowly.

"Okay, names please?" the lady asks with a sigh, clearly indicating that this has been asked numerous times already. Once I've given her our names, the lady fumbles through a metal filing cabinet just to her left. Pulling out two large, brown envelopes, she glances up at us and slides them across the counter.

"These contain lesson plans suggested reading material and a list of all the extra curricular events that are on this year. Your home room is located in C block." We take the envelopes and begin to fight our way back out of the increasing crowd.

"Hey, Kali-" A husky voice calls out, and im immediately squished like a human accordion. "God, I've missed you."

"Oh, Hey Connor, hows it goin? When did you get back? And why didn't u text or call me?" I answer, trying not to show how much I've missed him, but hugging him back just as hard.

Connor is my dreamy boyfriend and has been since half way through our first year. We met at the freshers party(not cliché at all). Connor has spent the last few weeks on a 'family vaction' up in some fancy country retreat.

"Your memory is still bad then?" Connor quips, releasing me minutely. "Im pretty sure I mentioned that I would be back in time for the beginning of the end!! So I came back a week ahead of my parents, just got back early hours of this morning. I called your house this morning, but your mam said you had left already.... Were you early for once??"

This has Emmy doubling over, hands on kness laughing. " Hey Cons, yep you can blame me for that one..... I picked her up 10mins early in hopes of getting here on time!"

"Yes, yes. Okay, I get it. My timing and memory suck. But they can't be that bad if I made it to final year, right??" I protest.

"Awww, come on babe, we're only kidding - well maybe a little. But if we don't shift, we will definitely be late." Connor states placing a quick peck on my cheek as we make our way briskly to our home room.

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