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  • Dedicated to All The Muggles That Liked This, And Avada Kadavra to anyone who didn't

Voldemort is your name.

Killing is your game.

Avada Kedavera is your curse,

You went after Harry first.

You falied,

Snape bailed,

You were stuck with creepy Wormtail.

Scared people say 'you-know-who',

And the formerly brave people do too.

Because they can't face your game,

As they were too scared to say your name.

You were known as Tom Riddle,

When they show your flashbacks in the movie they play the fiddle.

Out of pity,

Because quite honestly, your life was shitty.

I mean your best friend was a snake,

and you had to rely on Snape.

You wanted to live forever,

So it was your soul to be severed.

You made a Horcrux of Seven,

They showed this in Part One,

Which came out in 2011.

Your mother was so ugly and put people at harm,

She had to use a love charm,

Just to find a man,

To hold her hand,

And not run away,

Because nobody even wanted to stay.

Obviously she hated you.

So she left you too.

Orphaned as a child,

Your temperment wasn't even THAT close to mild

You made strange things happen

Make people do what you want without asking

You no longer needed to do unnecissary multitasking.

When Dumbledore came to see you

He set fire to your closet,

Told you to give back the toys

And death threats you gave to those innocent little girls and boys.

Hogwarts was were you were sent.

Here your twisted mind became even more bent.

They taught you Defence Against the Dark Arts

Which filled with your heart

Caught fire.

And became dark and destroyed.

You became a liar.

Killing half bloods

Even though you were one,

Hypocrites these days,

Doing damage when the work is already done.

Neverless, your life sounds bad enough

I mean its sad you had to bluff

You were so pathetic,

You couldn't even kill a little boy

Pathetic, you stole every little kids pride and joy

Their McDonalds Happy Meal toy

Killing people and saying you were good enough?

Brilliant from your nose slits to your trouser cuff?

You couldn't even kill a baby

Categorizing it as a maybe

Maybe one day you could kill a kid

But If I were the one to bid

I would bet on the boy

He was left with a scar

And he has to live knowing that your ugly noseless face

Left that mark on his head

You left him alone, 

His parents dead


Sounds like a name for a cream for warts,

Makes everyone stop and stare

And remember that tale of folk

That your man Voldemort was a joke

And a noseless sham

Harry Potter was indeed the better Man.


Thank you to ALL the Muggles that liked this!

For all you haters, Avada Kedavra!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2012 ⏰

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