Harry potter 8

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As harry sat down on his cream couch, thinking of the day that had just gone by ever so quickly,he felt his phone vibrate in his left jean pocket. Ginny was in the kitchen making a gorgeous dinner that smelt delicious! Harry picked up the phone and read the text

'To dad I have just arrived at Hogwarts and I am in GRIFFINDOR you were right the hat does choose your opinion. I am in a house with Rose and she said that if you won't mind telling hermione because she left her phone at home. Speak more soon gtg to sleep now love you!'

Harry had a massive smile on his face as he read through the text again and again. He was so glad to hear he was happy, he walked quickly over to Ginny and read the text.

"Phew I am so glad he is fine. Would you like me to text hermione?" said Ginny walking joyfully over to her phone.

"Yes sure."

Ginny was already texting by now so Harry went back to watch tv. He thought carefully over his time at Hogwarts and hoped that Albus enjoyed it just as much as him.

Ginny walked over carefully not wanting to interrupt Harry's deep thoughts, she slumped down onto the chair her eyes transfixed on the television.

Harry's pupils slowly turned to there normal form and his eyes moved steadily over to the tv. He looked at the screen still not fully consentrated as his mind was over at Hogwarts with his son.

It was getting late so Harry and Ginny went up to bed. Ginny went straight to her room and fell into a deep sleep. Harry on the other hand walked into Albus's bedroom and looked around, there were pictures and posters stuck neatly on the sky blue walls. His bed was neatly made with his black pillow upright and his bed duvet covering half the pillow, there was not a wrinkle to be seen! He looked at his bedside table and saw a family picture of them all smiling with a massive grin, Harry stared at the photo as he remembered that day very well. Also on the smooth small wooden desk was some pictures of famous witches and wizards. Harry was now feeling very tired and he closed Albus's blue curtains and shut the door gently, then he walked to bed with heavy footsteps.

The next morning Harry woke up to find Ginny gone. He through the duvet covers form his bed and swung his legs around so he was perched on the end, he slid his slippers off and shuffled down stairs, there he found Ginny frying a egg on a dark green pan. As Harry saw the egg he felt his tummy rumble like there was a earthquake in his stomach. Ginny pored the egg onto the crystal white plate that flew over to the table, where Harry sat down. Greedily he got the fork and knife and stabbed the sausage and placed in his mouth. Ginny started to speak as she sat onto the chair opposite him

"Hermione said that you may want to go to the Weasly dinner tomorrow to meet up with Ron. I thought it was a brilliant idea don't you?"

Ginny's eyes sparkled as they met Harry's,

"Yes that sounds fun, it will be nice to catch up with Ron," Harry said while stuffing food in his mouth.

Harry and Ginny had both finished breakfast and were both full so the plodded into the lounge were they fell onto the sofa. Ginny changed the channel to to the wizard news. They both looked at the screen engaged at what was happening.

The news was normally about the ministry of magic and how shamus had new plans. Shamus was a good friend of Harry's when they went to Hogwarts, to be honest Harry never new that he would become the minister of magic, sometimes he thinks of the day when Fudge was the minister. Harry's phone vibrated again on the coffee table next to the sofa, Harry reached over to grab it and then went back to his normal position. It was a text from Albus, clearing his throught he read the text out loud so he would not have to repeat it again for Ginny,

'Morning dad hope you had a good sleep, mine was a bit rough but I managed to get use to the new bed! I was walking down the hall and I saw the quiddich cup that you won it is awesome I have disided to give the quiddich tryouts ago and see how it goes. Hope you and mum have a nice time

Ps there is a email being sent out for something important make sure you read it!!!!'

Ginny got up and walked out the door to collect her phone she walked back in almost walking into the door, she was on her phone checking for a email

"Nothing yet" she said scanning her emails "must not have been sent yet wonder what it is about?"

Harry shrugged as he was too consentrated on his phone than on anything else!

It was the day of the Weasly dinner and Harry and Ginny were both very exited. They jumped into the blue car that mr Weasly had given them after he had fixed it. Harry turned the key vigorously and pushed hard on exelerater and they zoomed off to the north. Once they arrived they parked in Ginny's old parking space. They jumped out of the car and walked over to Hermione and Ron who were standing at the door patiently. They greeted and hugged then they walked into the warm house.

There was a blazing fire that lit up the hole room and all of the house had objects floating and cleaning just like the magical way. They all sat down around the large round table and were chatting until the rest of the Weaslys had arrived. Then hermione set out the starters on the table and everyone munched it up quickly. They zoomed through there dinner and got straight to the dessert. They scooped up the creamy soft chocolate browny, it was amazing. The convocation moved from subject to subject until it went to Hogwarts. They talk about the past and what was going to happen in the future? some of the others came up with very strange ideas. Then Ginny checked his phone, she had a email Harry watched her eyes scan across the screen.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked Ginny in a nervous voice

Ginny's voice went low with a slightly nervous tone to it "it's Hogwarts they say it is dangerous they need us to come and help protect it!"

Everyone looked at each other and harry asked

"When do we need to be there"

"As early as possible!" said Ginny with a even more nervous tone now.

"We'll we better get a move on then!" said hermione as if we were in army!

Everyone slipped there wand out of there bag, sleeve, trouser and they waved it. In a flash they were gone and the house was silent

Harry potter 8Where stories live. Discover now