Run Wild

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Happy leans her bike against the brick wall of the trashy alleyway. This is where she had agreed to meet up with Walter an hour from now. For who knows what reason this time.

She had wanted to get there early, so she could work on something before he got there and talked her ears off about logistics and experiments he's been doing recently. Or how to establish a coding system that could decipher blah blah blah, and blah. She honestly didn't care.

It was definitely an odd place for Walter to ask to meet up. Out of all the other places he could have requested, he picked a dirty and smelly alleyway. But judging by the fact that they work out of a dingy garage, she shouldn't be too surprised.

In the midst of taking off her helmet and jacket she hears footsteps from the end of the alleyway. Then a splash of water.

She looks up and sees a man dressed in all black, his face covered with a dark mask. He had stepped into a large puddle of water pooled in the uneven crevices of the cement.

She places her hands on her hips and sighs. She couldn't believe someone was going to try and mug her again, they should've learned their lesson by now. "I'd leave now dude, if you know what's good for ya"

He doesn't do anything, he just stands there, with his arms hanging at his sides, and she could almost swear she could see him shaking a bit.

She's about to yell at him again and call him out, when she feels a hand on her face. Covering her mouth, and another one covering eyes; blinding her. Instinctively she kicks out behind her, and pulls back her elbow to connect with her attackers ribs.

There's a crunch after she makes contact, and a yelp of pain; but the hands are still covering her mouth and view, so she bites down hard on their fingers. She doesn't let go until she can taste the blood deep into her mouth, and the intruder is wrenching his hand away from her mouth.

She hears a cry of pain, as the hand tears away from her eyes as well, and she spins around to see the man clutching his bleeding hand.

She growls at him, and brings up her knee to kick him, and he stumbles back further, with a groan.

She's about to land a punch to his jaw when she feels a hand on her wrist. Then it being twisted at an angle to be painfully pinned to her back. While her body is pressed against the cold brick wall.

"Let go you bastard!" She yells.

She feels something cold and hard press to her back through her leather jacket. "Give me your money" he snaps in a gruff voice, and she can hear the slight tremble in his voice.

Happy grunts, and stays perfectly still, in fear of being shot.

She's about to comply when she hears someone yell at the end of the alleyway. "Hey, leave her alone"

Her head spins to look at the tall man with a scruffy beard standing there. With a sandwich in his hand, and a ridiculous hat on his head.

"What did you say?" The man in the mask threatens, letting go of Happy, and stepping away from her.

The man takes a bite of his sandwich, before stepping forward. "I said to let her go" he says, through a mouthful of bread and cheese.

Happy cannot believe the guy. There he is, standing at the end of a dangerous alley, with a sandwich in his hand. He doesn't seem to have any care that the man he's confronting has a gun in his hand. Pointed at him.

He takes another step towards the man with the gun. "Shoot me" he says with a smirk, nodding down to the gun in the mans trembling hands.

"I dare you" he says, squinting his eyes at the man as he sized him up. Taking another bit of his sandwich in the process. Just to prove he wasn't scared.

Run Wild (Quintis AU)Where stories live. Discover now