Finally the end

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(I'm going to play off if the last chapter)
When I sat down there was a girl with a pink shirt and some black pants she was super tall she walked over and sat down next to me "hey my names Sarah" she was cheerful "I'm Nova" I said to her trying to imitate her cheerfulness but failed sadly.
She must not of realize because she just kept the conversation going almost one sided. "I like your dress and your hair is so pretty what class do you have next?" I finally got to speak "thank you and I have history next room 230" her face lit up "really! Because I have that class to!" She nearly screamed her words. She pointed at my last class. I smiled "yay we could try to sit next to each other" I said trying to be cheerful but this time I was successful. When the teacher blew her whistle and screamed out "next gym" . It was like she needed to go to the classes not use she couldn't even make a full sentence. We walked in and the teacher had a notebook and yelled out last names she got to mine and I got scared for a bit my last name was known by humans . Humans knew the devils last name. I hope she doesn't recognize it. She stopped and spoke again and called out "Lucifer" I was a little shy but walked over to were she pointed and sat down.
Everyone was looking g at me one kid said "you have the worst last name I've ever heard I mean who names there child 'Lucifer'?" I smiled "I don't know?" I kind of laughed. Soon after others joined me. When P.E was done, we went to history I didn't get my exercise in because all we did was listen to the teacher tell us rules. I walked in the classroom. I remembered that i forgot to give the P.E teacher the note. I just sat in the back. I gave the teacher the note but she just set it down. When the class started my head hurt again, I ignored it. The teacher called out my name "Nova Lucifer" I said "here" raising my hand. Two girls and one boy laughed. I could care less.
The teacher started to talk about how we need to leave our things because we had a split lunch. Where we had half the class then lunch then the rest of class. The bell rang for lunch. I stood up and so did the rest of the class. The teacher opened the door and we came spilling out of the classroom. When we got there we could sit where ever we wanted we could sit outside, inside, any table. So I sat down at a table with Skylar and Mark. "I didn't know they were friends" as I got close I could here " hey Nova" I looked around. It was Sarah. I turned around looking back at Skylar and Mark and realize they probably would care less if I sat with them. When I sat next to Sarah she looked at me with a concerned look on her face "your not anorexic are you" she said in a deep, investigate-like voice. I looked at her weird "no, why would you say that" she looked up at me after finishing a bite of her pizza. "Your not eating"
"I don't want to eat" I groaned "why" she crossed her arms and looked away I sighed "because my head hurts " she turned back at me and sighed giving up. "OK fine you win be anorexic" I sighed  I sat down next to her laying my head down. When some girls cane to us. I think two of them were from my class. You know the ones that laughed at my name. The 'leader' of the group stepped forward. She was the girl that laughed. I looked at her like I didn't care about a word that was going to come out of her mouth. "Oh look Lucifer is going to hang out with idiot" they pointed and laughed. Sarah seemed up set so I spoke up. "Be quite my head hurts" I winded they just looked at me in disbelief. Before she could say anything I said " I don't know who you are and I don't care now leave us alone" her face looked bright red she was so made. She came forward more. I didn't flinch. She hissed " looky here devil  I'm not going to be talked like that by a pesky demon" she laughed. I was mad at this point. I'm WAY stronger than a regular demon I could kill her in a blink of an eye.
But I didn't I held back. I laughed. She looked at me like I was crazy I just said "OK?" Like I was challenging her. She narrowed her eyes "oh you are a demon because your so stupid that you can't learn simple instructions don't talk to me" I looked at her and a teacher came over I relaxed and tried to act responsible. "I'm sorry but I don't care what a pesky bully says to me so please leave me and my friend alone I don't want to get in trouble" I said as a teacher came over I just sat back down. Sarah looked at me in pure shocked. "You do know that for now on that girl will bully you" I shrugged my shoulders "I don't care she's just and idiot that wants attention" I said the bell rang. I said good bye to Sarah . and walked back to class.
The rest of class was a blur I just wanted the day to end. When I got to my next class,science, my teacher, Mrs. Red let us on our phones and said it was our  only break. That class went by pretty quick. I just had one more class left, Spanish. This class will be with Sarah. Good one of my friends could be here. I walked in but there where assigned seats. Great. I walked to my desk and read the name  Hannah? Who's that. I just sat there waiting for this Hannah girl would come in. Then a girl with golden hair and green eyes sat next to me. She seemed prepy. She turned to look at me "hey my names Hannah what's yours" great she is a prepy. "Nova" I said. She smiled " you have a pretty name" I laughed thank you. She kept asking questions until " so what do your parents do"  I sighed great another potty party. I should of came up with a different lie. " I don't have parents" she slowly frowned "Nova I'm so sorry I didn't know" I smiled " its OK" I said trying to end the conversation.
The rest of the class period went by Hannah didn't talk to me still probably feeling bad about the question. When the announcements came on I sighed in relief. Then we were dismissed. I went to the woman's office. I knocked on the door and she opened it her face lit up "Nova! I'm so glad you choose to come with me" I smiled and nodded.
This time I read her name tag Dr. She turned "doctor who?" I yelled in my head. The she turned towards me and then Dr. Peoples huh what a weird last name. I shouldn't be talking I have Lucifer. Even though that's who I am. Dr. Peoples told my to gather my things for tomorrow and bring it. She gave me a big bag. And I just nodded until. I got it out of the school doors. I sighed in relief finally the day is over.
(Hey 1295 words yaaay I'm going to try to get over thousand of words. And if you see any mistakes tell me I'll fix them and that it for this chapter I'll see you in the next chapter bu-bye)

The devil is a 7th GraderWhere stories live. Discover now