Baby making time

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The next morning he decided to take the day off and plan a secret ingagment dinner. So he set up a little plan and got her up and said he had a surprise. So he made her breakfast and took it up to her. She woke and said good morning sexy he said good morning hotty . So she ate and he took off his shirt and laid down next to her. She asked what is going on are you okay . Yeah why. Because you are acting so different then you usually do. Okay so I have a huge surprise for you the whole day. So I need you to get up and get ready. Oh and Baby girl get dressed very nice. She said okay let me shower and get dressed and I will see you in 20 minutes.
20 Minutes Later
Ashli came down and Hunter about passed out. She was wearing a really hot sexy dress and had a sweet smell to her hair and her body. So he got her to the lunch place and said there is more to come. Then around 6 o'clock he said here is our dinner reservation. She was taken to rig fanciest restaurant in Nashville. About 20 minutes into dinner he got down on one knee and popped the question. Her awnser was Yes. So she jumped up and said I am so happy. So they went home and he said there is one more thing we have not done
He started to suck on her neck then he unzipped the dress she took off his tux and then he took he bra and underwear then he took his pants and boxers. Then he carried her to the bedroom. They began to have Sex and by the way they were not protected when they were having it this time. The worst part was she was on her Period
Whatcha made him want her even more than he ever did before. The sucking was all over and the moans were the sign of pleasure by hunter body warm and soft
The next few weeks she was getting sick a lot so they schudeled an appointment with the doctor. They found out that they were pregnant. She was happy and he was too
The reason he was happy was he was ready to be a dad and she was ready to be a mom
Over the few months she was growing and they went back to the doctor and they said she was having a little girl
She was so happy and he said I can not wait for the baby to be born
A few months later she was one mouth away from her do date and the next day was her wedding
So she went to bed that night and woke up the next morning and got dressed for her wedding
She was walking down the isle and smiled at her family and friends.
She said her voles and he said his
Then they kissed and the next week they were home and she was asleep. She suddenly woke up and said Hunter my water broke
So he jumped up and said lets go the hospital now
So when they got there she was giving birth by 30 minutes
She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl
They took her home
They named her Litzy Grace Hayes
They still today have sex and they also have fun times when he takes off
So he says the pleasure of her body on mine is still what makes me happy I married her sexy sweet selfie
She still has the pleasure of his warm sexy abs on her skin

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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