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Signe.... You're the best thing that had ever happened to me. I love you so much...

I love you so much, Seány..

Marry me...


Signe Hansen.... I'm lucky enough to have you in my life, but the last thing we to get you into a gorgeous white dress, and myself in a tux... and two rings..... Marry me..

Seány.... Yes! I'll marry you.... I love you.. I love you, I love you so much...

I woke up the next morning, my head on Seán's lap. He smiled, petting my hand gently.

"Good morning..." He said.

"Good morning.." I sighed.

"You were sleeping so peacefully... I didn't want to wake you.." Seán smiled. "I'm just watching some videos.."

"Who's videos?" I yawned.

"My friend Mark.... He lives in America. Him and his girlfriend made a girlfriend tag video, too.... His videos are pretty funny..." He offered me an earbud, so I sat up to watch it with him. "I haven't watched it yet. I wanted to wait for you..." He kissed me, and I laid my head on his shoulder, hugging his arm.


"I had a weird dream last night..." I said.

"What about?"

"Us.." I smiled. "We were about three years older than we are now... and you proposed.."

"Oh?" He smiled. "Was I... as smooth as I am in person?"

"You were just as dorky.." I teased.

"Damn.." Seán laughed. "Well, I like that you had a happy dream...." He held my hand. "After last night... you deserve something to make you smile.."

"I already have you.." I said.

"Something more...." He said, and kissed me.

/ Before we knew it, it was the day of the funeral, and Seán and I had flown in. /

"I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Hansen before he passed..." Seán spoke. "I may have not known him for long... but I knew one thing immediately.. He was a great man, and will continue to be, even in Heaven. I knew this... because he gave me the opportunity to meet his amazing children, and fall in love with his daughter, Signe..." He gestured for me to walk up to him, so I did. "When Signe gave me the news, I was just as heartbroken. I grew up without parents... My mother died during my birth, and my dad.... he died when I was four. I saw Mr. Hansen as the dad I didn't have in my life, so when he passed.... It hurt.." Seán hesitated. "Signe...?" I took over.

"My dad.... was my first best friend... and one of the best of friends a girl would ever ask for.." I sniffled. "I went through the hardest moment of my life when my mother died, but my dad helped me through it.... He helped me overcome my eating disorder... and he made me happier.." I said. "But... Dad wasn't always the happiest. Making me happy was his only mission in life, so when my sister called me..... I felt responsible.."

"You shouldn't have felt responsible..." My sister said.

"I know... But he wanted me to be happy...." I said. "If I was crying, I wasn't happy...." I wiped my eyes. "Dad was depressed... That's why he's gone now..." The guests went completely silent. "He left a note..." I took the piece of paper out of my pocket. "It reads.... To those who this may concern, I'm sorry it had to end like this. I knew I'd be dying soon... I just hoped I would've had more time. My daughter, Signe, my pride and joy... moved out recently... and I didn't want her to worry about me. I knew she'd want to stay to take care of me if she knew. I have had a severe heart problem for some time now, and now I learned.... I have a cardiac tumour. Once Signe moved out, I knew I wouldn't have much time left.... so I thought I'd do this early. The doctors only gave me two more days.."

"Oh my God..." Seán teared up.

"I'm sorry.... to my family, my friends.... but to my children.. Don't worry about me. I'll be in a better place. I'll say hi to your mother for you.... I love you guys.." I said. "And.... Seán....." He looked at me. "Take good care of my baby girl.. You're the only man she's ever loved, and I want to know I can count on you to make her happy for the rest of her life..."

"I will.." Seán looked at my dad's casket. "I promise, sir..."


Seán and I were the first ones allowed into Dad's old home to get things he left for everyone the following week.

"I think that's all..." I said, sniffling through my tears. Seán slipped something into his pocket before giving me a hug. "What all did he leave you?"

"His old class ring... and a few little things..." He said. "He wanted me to have them to remember him by..."

"He really liked you.." I whispered.

"He was an amazing man..." Seán kissed my forehead. "He raised an equally as amazing daughter..." I wrapped my arms back around his waist, my head to his shoulder. "What do you want to do now?"

"I want to go home..." I said.



The flight back home was gloomy and emotional, but Seán made me smile with his silly jokes and teasing.

"And.... we are back!" He said, opening the door.

"My head hurts.." I said. "I think I'm going to lie down.." I started walking off, but felt lightheaded.

"Whoa, baby..." He ran to my side, making sure I didn't fall. "You could get yourself hurt.. Let me carrying you in..." Seán picked me up, and carried me to bed. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm just really tired..." I groaned, laying down.

"Do you need a blanket?" He asked me, being so sweet and thoughtful.

"You.." I said. He laid down, holding me in his arms. "I guess it just hit me.... He's gone..."

"I know it's hard, Signe..." Seán said in a soft voice. "But you'll be okay..."

"I know.." I said, then hugged him. "I love you Seány..."

"I love you, too..." He smiled.

The Sparkle in His Eyes ✹ SeptiishuWhere stories live. Discover now