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Oh! To be a child again.

To be young with no cares or worries of whether or not something would affect my future.

To have a family that was whole,

But now there's just a hole in me where my heart once was.

To be five again with my mother, sitting on the couch, watching Winnie the pooh

Apparently, Life forgot to give me some fucking lemons so he gave me a whole crate.

Why at age six must I be a grown-up?

Why my mother?

Why did Life decide to bend me over and rip me a new one?

I don't want any of your damn lemons and I don't want to make any fucking lemonade.

You gave me a whole damn crate Life.

Why do you decide that at age 7 I needed some more damn lemons?

I didn't want to leave the place that still had traces of the mother you decided to rip from my arms.

I still hadn't used the crate you gave me when I was six.

What makes you think I want any more of your damn lemons?

Sure I'll take some more lemons to fill the whole you decided to punch in me.

I was three and I didn't understand.

Why didn't you let me know sooner?

He's my cousin.

Now that I'm older why do you have to go and make me hate myself more?

I'm only 12.

Why do I want to leave you?

Save me from myself.

Your lemons are the things that are drowning me.

I tried to make lemonade, I really did.

It was too sour and wasn't right and now I'm drowning.

I'm only fourteen.

I can't leave you yet.

I'm sixteen.

Don't you dare try to take my beautiful and innocent friend.

She hasn't done a thing wrong.

I'll take her lemons for her.

It's not like she needs them.

Im seventeen.

Let me choose my America.

Why only two days?

Was I not mature enough to make a decision?

Just pile that crate onto the last one.

I'm scared to leave you.

How can I be reassured you'll still have lemons to give me?

I don't want to be afraid anymore.

Why didn't you choose better?

Why did hate have to come before love?

Love trumps hate?

yeah right.

I'm only eighteen.

I have actually come to appreciate your lemons.

They remind me I have you.

Keep em coming.

I would hate to see the day they stopped coming and were left to rot.

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