chapter 22

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Coles p.o.v
That day along with the next couple days whenever I had free time and Lauren was home we hung out she was a great friend and just great in general I still couldn't believe that guy stood her up the other night. Right now me and Lauren were playing her star wars pictopia game in the backyard while the others watched TV in the living room. I keep doing good but then it seems like every time there's a force question its always an answer about anakin and I always lose it
L- you'd think you would've caught on by now
C- yeah you would think why do you like him so much anyway he's one of the most annoying characters other then jar jar of course
L- I take offense to that considering I am jar jar
C- no you're not
L- think about it
I sat there and did as she said and I thought about it
C- aw man you're right
L- still think jar jar is horrible
C- no but there is one big difference between you two
L- and what's that
C- you're a cutie while he's basically an alien dog
She laughed
L- that's true
Midway through the game my phone went off again and I saw it was Dalton. I had 5 missed calls and 10 texts
Dal* what's going on why are you avoiding me
C* I'm not avoiding you just busy rn talk to you later tonight at my house ok daltypoo
Dal* alright
C* no coala bear?
Dal* no not until we talk tonight
C* ok 😦
I slid my phone back in my pocket and kept playing the game we played three times since I won one and she one another so we had to see who was the bigger nerd and it was me.
L- you got lucky
C- sureeeee that's what it was
L- it was if I didn't get stuck with so many clone wars questions I would've won
C- whatever helps you sleep at night
She rolled her eyes and started cleaning up. I of course helped her then we went inside and found Dee and Gabe talking on the couch pretty close to each other if I do say and chey and Dana were nowhere to be seen. I looked at Lauren and she just had this huge smile which made me smile but I was confused and she knew it and we put the game down and went back outside
C- why so smiley
L- because dabe
C- huh
L- Dee and Gabe you know dabe
C- ohhh
L- you're still confused aren't you
C- yes
L- Dee likes gabe a lot and with how close they are right now I'm hoping something will happen between them and dabe will be real
C- ok then
L- sorry weird I know
C- don't be sorry its cute you're cute
L- do you ever get tired of calling me cute
C- not at all why does it bother you
L- not at all I just thought it might bug you
C- if it did I wouldn't say it
She just smiled and I felt my stomach get tight which confused me. The rest of the day went by quickly and dalton was now at my house
Dal- I have a serious question for you and I promise I won't be mad but I have to know
C- ok what's your question
Dal- are you into girls again more specifically are you into lauren
C- I don't know

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